How DO I Get Garfield Weston Foundation Grants

Rosi Melonica

Garfield Weston Foundation Grants

Garfield Weston Foundation Grants – The Garfield Weston Foundation Grants US distributes a considerable sum of £90 million every year to a wide range of UK-based organizations. Established in 1958 by a family, the foundation is a grant-maker that helps organizations provide essential services without having to rely on heavy fundraising.  You can apply for a grant from the Garfield Weston Foundation at any time of year, and they provide both project-specific and general funds. Members of the Garfield Weston Foundation’s trustee board, who are all direct descendants of the foundation’s founders, continue the tradition of fiscal responsibility by keeping all grant applications open and accessible. Regardless of the area of focus, the Garfield Weston Foundation Grant’s goal is to enable charities to have a significant influence in their communities through its sponsorship of various initiatives. Go through the article to know more about Garfield Weston Funding.

If you are interested in getting grants from a foundation in order to serve the community better, check the details about the El Paso Community Foundation grants.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Garfield Weston Foundation annually distributes £90 million to diverse UK-based organizations, supporting a range of initiatives from operational costs to specific projects.
  2. You can apply for these grants at any time of the year, which ensures flexibility and continual opportunities for funding.
  3. The foundation supports sectors including health, education, community support, environmental protection, and more, offering both project-specific and general funds.
  4. Eligible organizations include UK-based charities, CIOs, and housing associations. Applications must include financial statements and meet specific project criteria.
  5. By providing financial support, the foundation helps organizations to grow their impact, increase their visibility, and foster stronger community ties.

What are the benefits of Garfield Weston Foundation Major Grants?

Grants from the Garfield Weston Foundation have several uses, all of them help the organizations that receive them do more and have a greater effect.

  • Garfield Weston foundation grants aid for financial needs as it offers funding for operational expenses, particular initiatives, and capital expenditures can be secured through grants ranging from a few thousand to several million pounds. Whether an organization needs unlimited cash or funding for a specific purpose, the Foundation may provide a gift that works for them.
  • Organizations in the fields of health, community support, arts, education, and environmental protection are able to make a long-term difference because the funding they receive are responsible for funding sustainable projects and activities. Gaining recognition and respect as a recipient of a grant from the Garfield Weston Foundation raises an organization’s profile in its area and beyond. This can lead to more donations and collaborations.
  • Grantees gain from the Foundation’s leadership and knowledge in ways that go beyond financial aid; they are able to work together and learn from one another as part of a strong charitable network. The sum of these advantages allows companies to reach more people, have a greater impact, and accomplish their purposes more efficiently.

Priority Areas of Garfield Weston Foundation Grants 

Charities in the United Kingdom get financing from the Garfield Weston Foundation, which gives preference to causes in which donations can have a very large and beneficial effect. Garfield Weston Foundation grants’s top focus areas are these

  • Garfield Weston Foundation Grants for Welfare and Community Support- Poverty reduction, social service, and community development are all areas where we can get behind efforts to help people and their communities.
  • Garfield Weston Foundation Grants for Youth Development- Garfield Weston Foundation supports initiatives that aim to improve the lives of underprivileged youth by providing them with opportunities to learn and grow as individuals via mentorship, schooling, and other forms of leadership development.
  • Garfield Weston Foundation Grants for Environmental Conservation- Garfield Weston Foundation grants are especially interested in projects that help reduce the effects of climate change, promote environmental sustainability, and aid in conservation efforts.
  • Garfield Weston Foundation Grants for Education and Skills Training –Educational institutions and initiatives that broaden participation, deepen understanding, and prepare students for the workforce have Garfield Weston foundation’s full backing.
  • Garfield Weston Foundation Grants for Health and Well-being – Programs that aim to improve people’s physical and mental health, as well as those that work to reduce health disparities, are eligible for funding.
  • Garfield Weston Foundation Grants for Arts, Heritage, and Culture – Garfield Weston Foundation supports initiatives that work to maintain cultural traditions, inspire new forms of expression, and broaden participation in the arts.
  • Garfield Weston Foundation Grants for Faith-based Initiatives – Charities that have a good impact on their communities via religious and faith-based activities receive Garfield Weston foundation’s assistance.

Visit the page in order to learn more about the funding areas of the Garfield Weston Foundation. You can also get grants from the Comcast Foundation grants, all you need to do is check your eligibility for receiving the grants.

Eligibility Criteria for getting a Garfield Weston foundation grant

Grants from the Garfield Weston Foundation are available to UK-based nonprofits that fulfill certain requirements.

  • Sort of Organization- Garfield Weston Foundation’s charitable giving is directed towards UK-based organizations that meet certain criteria set forth by the Charity Commission, including registered charities, CIOs, housing associations, and those on the government’s list of Registered Providers.
  • Funding Necessities- Any applicant must be able to provide either a Charity Commission annual return or independently audited or inspected financial statements for the last year.
  • Meeting Place – All projects must be carried out within the United Kingdom or its overseas territories.
  • Current Situation of the Project- Projects that have finished or are expected to end within four months from the application date will not be funded.
  • Case Studies- Each company is limited to submitting a single application every 12 months, regardless of the outcome.
  • Items not included- Primary organizational aims do not include funding one-off events, foreign operations, animal welfare charities, feasibility studies, or lobbying efforts.

By adhering to these standards, authorizers guarantee that Garfield Weston Foundation funding goes toward long-term initiatives that improve people’s lives in many different areas, such as the arts, heritage, faith, education, health, the environment, and child welfare. You can reach out to the program personally or take its eligibility quiz if you need more information.

Grantees Of Projects Funded By Garfield Weston Foundation Grants

A wide range of organizations from many industries have recently received major contributions from the Garfield Weston Foundation Grants, demonstrating the foundation’s dedication to funding meaningful projects. Right to Succeed CIO in Manchester, aiming to improve community development and tackle social concerns, received a substantial donation of £300,000 in the welfare and community support area. Supporting local resilience and promoting long-term improvements in community well-being are crucial goals of this program.

The University of Exeter

An expression of the Garfield Weston Foundation dedicated to funding research and programs that enhance environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation, the University of Exeter in Exeter received £750,000 from the Environmental Conservation Fund of Garfield Weston Foundation. This funding highlights the importance of tackling important environmental issues and supporting creative solutions within the area.

Teach First

One of the major grants in the Youth Development category of Garfield Weston Foundation Grants went to Teach First, a London-based organization that helps youths gain agency via learning and leadership training. Thanks to this grant, the charity may reach more underprivileged youngsters in the UK and provide them life-changing experiences.

The University of Nottingham and the Seashell Trust in Cheshire

The University of Nottingham and the Seashell Trust in Cheshire were each given £500,000 by the Garfield Weston Foundation as part of their educational initiatives. In order to ensure that children and young people with complex impairments have access to high-quality education and specialized services, these awards promote educational inclusion and excellence.

The English National Ballet of London

The English National Ballet of London received £300,000 and the Paignton Picture House Trust of Devon received £250,000 as significant donations within the Arts and Culture sector. In keeping with the Foundation’s mission to preserve history and promote creative expression, these investments encourage artistic innovation, audience involvement, and cultural enrichment.

Anthony Nolan Cancer Centre in London

The Health & Well-being category of Garfield Weston Foundation, awarded £700,000 to the Anthony Nolan Cancer Centre in London, allowing them to fund the development of new, potentially curative therapies for blood cancer and raise awareness about the disease. Improving health outcomes and quality of life is the Foundation’s aim, and this funding is essential for medical research, patient care, and advocacy initiatives to reach that goal.

Wells Cathedral Trust

With a grant of £250,000 from Faith-based Initiatives of Garfield Weston Foundation, the Wells Cathedral Trust was able to fund community outreach initiatives and the preservation of historic landmarks in Wells. With this award, the Foundation is reiterating its support for faith-based programs that preserve cultural heritage and foster social unity. By providing funding to groups who are actively working to improve their communities and the world at large, the Garfield Weston Foundation is fulfilling its mission to make a positive difference in the United Kingdom. You can explore more information about the funded projects from the Garfield Weston Foundation Grants on this page.

How To Apply For A Garfield Weston Foundation Grant ?

A Garfield Weston Foundation Grant application is simplified and easy to follow so that the foundation can value your time and energy. Presented below is a method

  1. Qualification Test

If you want to know the specific organizations that are eligible for the foundation support, you may take a test here.

  1. Review Process

Please ensure that you have read and comprehend the application standards of the Garfield Weston Foundation before commencing the development of your proposal. Kindly save the file as a Word or PDF file.

  1. Organize Your Financials

We kindly request that you prepare your most recent annual return or audited accounts for uploading.

Make an Account To create an account or access an existing one, go to Garfield Weston Foundation Grants Management Portal.

  1. Fill out the application completely.

You need to provide complete information regarding your needs and organization’s purpose to gain the benefits.

  1. Confirmation

After reviewing your application, the foundation will send you an email regarding the confirmation of your status to get the grant or not.

  1. Various Delivery Options

You need to use the Garfield Weston Foundation application form if you want to send your documents via regular mail.

Visit the Garfield Weston Foundation website to access the application and grants management manuals, providing comprehensive instructions.

There are also Catholic Foundation grants, so do not miss to grab your possibilities to get the benefits in terms of money.

Deadline for Garfield Weston Foundation Grants

Major Grants that are bigger than  £100,000. There is no specific deadline listed on their website. However, you need to continuously visit the website for the exact deadline of some specific grants.

Contact Information for Garfield Weston Foundation Grants

You can get in touch with the Garfield Weston Foundation Grants in following ways


[email protected]


Po Box 10 Grosvenor Street, Weston Centre, London, W1K 4QY, UK is the address for writing to them.

Contact Form

You can also fill the contact form available on their website  to get in touch with the foundation for any inquiry


Call them at 020 7399 6565 for direct assistance.

If you have any questions about how they handle funds or grants, they will do their best to answer you quickly. If your organization is in need and requires monetary assistance, check the application process for the Delaware Community Foundation grant.


Nonprofits in the UK depend on the Garfield Weston Foundation grants to survive and develop. By supporting and encouraging collaboration, the Garfield Weston Foundation awards assist groups address social issues in education, the arts, the environment, and welfare. They ensure access to essential services, promoting creativity, diversity, and community resilience.  Beyond financial support, the Foundation’s openness and ethical administration foster confidence in organizations and encourage long-term relationships. Thus, the Garfield Weston Foundation grants support sustainable initiatives, improve community quality of life, and promote positive change nationwide. If you are interested in knowing more about foundation grants, then please visit our page Grants Buddy at

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Garfield Weston Foundation grants?

Garfield Weston Foundation grants provide substantial financial support to UK-based charities across various sectors, including welfare, education, arts, environment, and more. Organizations around the country will be able to use these funds to launch life-changing programs and initiatives.

Is there an application fee for Garfield Weston Foundation grants?

No, the Garfield Weston Foundation does not charge anything to submit a grant application. Submitting a grant application is free of charge since the foundation values accessibility.

Do you need to be a registered charity to apply for the Garfield Weston grant?

Yes, Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs), housing associations, charities, and other organizations that are exempt or excluded from the government’s list of Registered Providers can apply for funds from the Garfield Weston Foundation.

Can individuals apply for Garfield Weston Foundation grants?

No, individuals cannot apply for donations from the Garfield Weston Foundation. Charitable organizations that make a noticeable difference in their professions and communities are the main focus of the foundation’s funding.

Does Garfield Weston Foundation offer grants in the UK ?

The Garfield Weston Foundation – operating/core costs grants (uk), operating and core costs are covered by the foundation specially for the organizations that are located in the UK.

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