How Do I Get Government Grants For Tutoring Programs For low Income

Isa bellaemma

Government Grants For Tutoring Programs For low Income

How Do I get Government grants for tutoring programs For Low Income Students – Government Tutoring Grants are crucial to provide support to the students to help the bridge gap in education and fostering the learning opportunities to all. Government grants are awarded by federal, state, local agencies to support the tutoring services. Grants for tutoring low-income students are vital for those schools that support low-income or underserved communities. Students in these areas face lots of challenges such as limited resources, lack of educational opportunities, and socio-economic problems. Government grants help tutoring programs by funding the effective tutorship and support systems. Go through the information to know more about grants for educational programs.

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Available Free Government Grants For Tutoring Programs

There are a number of grants for tutoring low-income students that offers financial assistance for tutoring, find the suitable grant from the list below:

  1. Title I, Part A Grants

Title I, Part A Grants are federal grants for tutoring programs aimed to ensure all students from low income families provide a high quality of education. The goal is to close the gap of education achievements. Title I, Part A Grants funding depends on federal appropriations. However, recently the federal appropriation for Title I, Part A was approximately $18 billion nationwide.

Eligibility for Title I, Part A Grants

Eligibility criteria for Title I, Part A Grants are Local Education agencies schools that have a high percentage of low income families. Schools are typically identified based on the percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals.

How to contact Title I, Part A Grants?

  • Address:  U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
  • Phone: (202) 401-2000
  • Website: Title I, Part A Grants 
  1. 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

The 21st CCLC program aims to provide academic opportunities and extra academic services outside of regular school hours. The goal is to meet local and state level of academic standards to enhance the overall development. The grant amount provided by the fund ranges from $50,000 to $500,000 per year for a period of 3 to 5 years.

Eligibility for 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

Local schools, state schools, and private schools are eligible to apply for the fund. And for students that are high-poverty and low-performing and who are in need of additional education support are targeted by the fund.

How to contact the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program?

Government grants for certificate programs are available, if you are looking to enhance your personal growth.

  1. Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund

The ESSER is a federal program designed under the CARES Act. The ESSER program provides financial assistance to help schools respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and is supported by safe reopening and operation of schools. The grant amount provided by the fund ranges up to $1 billion considering the low income students count.

Eligibility for ESSER Fund

Local schools such as district public schools, charter schools, state schools and private schools , all are eligible for the grant. However, private schools receive funds through equitable services provisions according to state distribution plans.

How to contact the ESSER Fund?

  • Address:  U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
  • Phone: (202) 401-2000
  • Website: ESSER Fund
  1. Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP)

GEAR UP grant program is a federal program, established to provide the success among low-income and disadvantaged students. The program provides support to the states, institutions, and community organizations to enhance the students’ education experiences. GEAR UP grant amount ranges from $300,000 to $10 million annually for the period of 7 years.

Eligibility for GEAR UP

Generally, the gear up program focuses on the students who are from a low income family background and to those students who attended schools with a high percentage from disadvantaged backgrounds.

How to contact GEAR UP?

  • Address: U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
  • Phone: (202) 502-7500
  • Website: GEAR UP
  1. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Grants

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Grants are created to support state and local educational agencies by providing special education, and the students with disabilities. The goal is to improve the education and have the same level of educational opportunities as their peers. The IDEA Part B  recently grants to states totaling approximately $13 billion nationwide.

Eligibility for IDEA Grants

The IDEA eligibility criteria for students include students with  learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities and other conditions that require special education services. And for the agencies it depends on the specific funding program and its requirements.

How to contact IDEA?

  • Address:  U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
  • Phone: (202) 245-7468
  • Website: IDEA Grants
  1. Upward Bound

Upward Bound program is one of the government grants for tutoring programs that aims to increase the high school graduation rates and enrollment in college by providing academic skills and succession for the students. The Upward Bound grant amount ranges from approximately $250,000 to $450,000 per year, depending upon the scope of the project.

Eligibility for Upward Bound

To secure a grant, one must qualify the eligibility criteria of Upper Bound. The student must be a U.S citizen and must be enrolled in grades 9 to 12, and family income must be at or below federal poverty guidelines.

How to contact Upward Bound?

  • Address: U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
  • Phone: (202) 502-7600
  • Website: Upward Bound
  1. TRIO Student Support Services (SSS)

The TRIO SSS program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The program supports low-income, first-generation college students, and the disabled students who succeeded in higher education. The grant provided by TRIO SSS ranges from $230,000 to $450,000 per year.

Eligibility for TRIO SSS

To receive the grants for the students, the students must be permanent U.S citizens, and must meet the criteria such as low income, first generation college students, and disabled students.

How to contact TRIO SSS?

  • Address:  U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
  • Phone:  (202) 502-7600
  • Website: TRIO SSS
  1. Migrant Education Program (MEP)

The MEP program is a federal grant for tutoring under the U.S. Department of Education. The MEP provides financial aid to schools and educational organizations that aim to improve educational achievement  and support the overall well-being of migrant children. The grant amount provided by MEP ranges from $50,000 to $500,000 per year.

Eligibility for MEP

The primary eligibility criteria of the MEP program is that the students must be migrants according to federal definitions. And other factors like schools and organization must illustrate the understanding of the migrant population and how they serve through the tutoring grants program.

How to contact MEP?

  • Address:U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
  • Phone: (202) 401-0113
  • Website: MEP 
  1. Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) Program

The FSCS program is a federal grants for tutoring programs that provides grants to develop and expand the community schools that offer the various programs such as social, and health services to students and their families.It is a federal initiative that aims to improve the education outcomes for the students. The grant provided by FSCS ranges from $250,000 to $1 million per year for up to 5 years.

Eligibility for FSCS Program

The FSCS program eligibility criteria are- Local educational agencies (LEAs), Public charter schools, Community-based organizations (CBOs), and other eligible entities that have the capacity to operate as a full-service community school.

How to contact the FSCS program?

  • Address: U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
  • Phone: (202) 401-0190
  • Website: FSCS Program
  1. Promise Neighborhoods Grants

Promise Neighborhoods Grants are provided to support since birth to college and career. The grants are created to meet the goal of improving the neighborhood, and to provide the children with the families of limited resources.The grant amount provided by the Promise Neighborhoods is divided in two factors, small scale project and large scale project. For small scale projects the grant is provided from  $500,000 to $600,000and for large scale $6 million to $30 million.

Eligibility for  Promise Neighbourhood Grants:

Eligibility for Promise Neighbourhood Grants includes geographic location where there is a high level of poverty and other indicators of need. It also focuses on the sustainable impact on the community over time.

How to contact Promise Neighborhoods Grants?

  • Address:  U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202
  • Phone: (202) 401-0090
  • Website: Promise Neighborhoods Grants

You can apply for the  $7000 Government Grants, go through the eligibility criteria and application process here.

Government Tutoring Grants for Economically Disadvantaged Students

There are a number of grants that is directed towards the economically disadvantaged students:

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Funds

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Funds are generally offered to the students who are facing homelessness. The homeless students can use the  funds to seek tutoring services. However, the federal government allocates funding to McKinney-Vento to states on the basis of poverty. Any student who does not have an adequate place to sleep at night can qualify for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Funds. To know more visit

AmeriCorps State and National Grants

AmeriCorps State and National Grants are mainly offered to the economically disadvantaged students. The funding is offered by the federal government that helps AmeriCorps members in tutoring roles to help out the economically disadvantaged students with free tutoring. To know more visit the official website of AmeriCorps

AmeriCorps VISTA

AmeriCorps VISTA program is mainly supported by the federal government that helps in building better sustainability towards tutoring programs. The main goal of AmeriCorps VISTA is to help out the economically disadvantaged students with management skills, training and recruiting. To know more about the program visit the official website of AmeriCorps

How To Apply For Government Grants For Tutoring Programs?

There are a number of steps that you need to follow to apply for government grants for tutoring programs. Check the steps mentioned below:

Research available grants

Research thoroughly about government funding tutoring programs through the US government- Education Department, or the local and municipal organization websites to find the available grants. You can also go through portal to find about the available grants.

Understand Eligibility Criteria

Every government grant has specific eligibility criteria to fund the tutoring programs. The program needs to fulfill the grant’s requirement to secure the grant. These requirements may include geographic location, and should be the type of school or nonprofit organizations. However, the eligibility requirements always depend upon the grant.

Prepare Proposal

Outline the program’s objective, including the goals and the target audience.Attach the evidence on students performance and educational services provided by the program. Also prepare the outlining how the grants fund will be used on staffing, training, and on the required materials. Also explain the outcome and the success of the program in detail.

Gather Documents

Gather required documents such as the letter of nonprofit status, letter of support from community organizations and other documents if you have any. You can also provide the experience letter on how the previous program was successful.

Submit Application

After gathering the documents attach to the application and submit it to the grant provider aligning with their rules and guidelines of the procedure. Ensure that the application is submitted before the deadline to secure the successful grant.


After submitting the application, confirm the receipt if possible. Be prepared to provide the additional requirements if it is asked. Stay in contact with the grant provider to learn the application status.

The Federal Government Also Provides Grants for Education that includes Federal Pell Grants, Teach Grants and much more. To know more click here.


Government grants for tutoring programs play a significant factor to improve the education especially for those who are in need for the education support. Government grants provide funding to the tutoring services to enhance the student’s life where the education resources are limited. These grants are offered to the schools and organizations to support the students who are struggling. Going through the long run, investing in tutoring programs through government grants is beneficial to everyone. It will help students to do better in school, and when the students do better, it will positively contribute towards society.

To know more about various government grants, visit Grants Buddy

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to secure government grants for tutoring programs?

To secure government grants for tutoring programs there is no specific time period. Some grants start a process in several weeks of application submission, while other grants can take several months. However, it is necessary to review the deadlines before starting the process.

Are the government grants for tutoring available to community organizations?

Yes, many government grants are available to community organizations, nonprofits and any other local organization in addition to schools and educational institutions. Community organizations can partner with schools and institutions to offer the education services.

What type of tutoring programs can secure government grants?

Programs that focus mainly on STEM skills, supporting special-needs students, and offering after school academic activities are eligible for the grants. However eligibility criteria depends on what type of program you are offering to and how you will use the grant fund for the education programs.

What are government grants for tutoring programs?

Government grants for tutoring programs are the financial award provided by the local, state, and federal governemnt to support the education institutions particularly for students who need extra help or are from disadvantaged backgrounds.These grants also fund personal tutoring, small group sessions, after-school programs, summer enrichment etc to help the students succeed.

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