How DO I Get Church Community Gardening Grants For Individuals

Rosi Melonica

Church Community Gardening Grants For Individuals

How Do I Get Church Community Gardening Grants For Individuals – Churches have always come forward to help out the community at large. There are a number of churches and other faith based organizations that do provide community garden grants to improve the community at large. The churches understand the need to promote sustainable agriculture and thus offer certain church garden grants to improve the infrastructure. Green spaces are much required to promote a healthy lifestyle for the community. Go through the article to know about Church Community Garden Grants that are offered by the churches.

Also Read: Check Out The Eligibility for Urban Farming Grants

Key Takeaways

  1. A variety of churches across the U.S. provide grants for community gardens, each with its own focus—some prioritize food security, while others support sustainability and educational programs.
  2. Generally, to receive funding, organizations must demonstrate a commitment to combating poverty and enhancing community life. Most grants require a 501(c)(3) status and aim to engage low-income individuals directly.
  3. Funding can range from as little as $100 to as much as $75,000, depending on the project’s scope and the church’s mission, allowing for substantial support in both developing and sustaining garden projects.
  4. Potential applicants must carefully follow the application guidelines provided by each grant source, which typically include submitting a detailed proposal, financial statements, and proof of non-profit status.
  5. Each church has specific contact methods, whether through direct mail, email, or phone calls, and often requires detailed follow-ups and potentially interviews or additional documentation to support the application.

List of Churches That Offer Community Garden Grants

There are a number of churches in the United States that do offer Church Community Garden Grants. Check the list mentioned below:

  1. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has always come out to help out the community and they do provide church community garden grants for developing the community. The main focus of this Catholic Church is to eliminate poverty and also promote economic development. Community Gardens can also apply for their grant for maintaining or to build a new garden. CCHD mainly funds those organizations that are looking to build a better community that promotes social change and also makes people self-sufficient. The grant amount that is offered ranges from $25,000 to $75,000, it mainly depends on the nature of the project.

Eligibility For CCHD

To be eligible for The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) grants the organization must be non profit having a 501(c)(3) status. The organization needs to focus on eliminating poverty and also build a better community using the grant money. The project also needs to engage low income individuals.

How To Contact CCHD?

  • Address: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

3211 4th Street NE

Washington, DC 20017-1194


  1. Episcopal Church – United Thank Offering (UTO)

The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry under Episcopal Church, they mainly focus on missions that are innovating and have the ability to improve the community at large and thus provides church garden grants. Episcopal Church – United Thank Offering (UTO) does offer grants for improving or to build new  community gardens. The UTO’s grants are mainly focused on addressing the basic needs of the human and also provide a local food system. Apart from that they also provide grants for community building and encourage sustainable practices. The grant amount ranges from  $1,000 to $50,000.

Eligibility for United Thank Offering (UTO)

To be eligible for UTO’s grants, applicants must be related to Episcopal Church that includes church-affiliated organizations, dioceses or congregations. The focus of this organization is to fulfill human needs and also build sustainable projects to save the environment. However, it is mandatory for the application to follow the guideline and required by UTO.’

How To Contact United Thank Offering (UTO)?

  • Address: United Thank Offering (UTO)

The Episcopal Church

815 Second Avenue

New York, NY 10017


  1. The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP)

The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) is another well known program that is administered by  Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The main focus of the program is to eliminate hunger from the United States and they also provide types of grants to support various projects that include building or church garden grants. Community Gardens are their main priority as it helps in food security, sustainable food system and also engages the community. The grant amount ranges from $100 to $5000.

Eligibility for The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP)

To be eligible for The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), the applicant needs to be affiliated with any Presbyterian Church in the USA. However, the project must address grass root problems like addressing hunger and also building community gardens that will access quality food production. The project must be sustainable and must proceed for a longer period.

How To Contact The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) ?

  1. United Methodist Church – Global Ministries Community Garden

United Method Church Global Ministries supports community gardens to address global issues such as hunger, poverty, and environmental sustainability. Thus United Method offers certain church garden grants for community development. These gardens are managed by local congregations and focus on providing fresh production of foods, and offering education to the people on sustainable practices.

Eligibility for United Methodist Church

The United Methodist Church usually gives grants to local congregations and the surrounding community. The eligibility is also granted based on the specific garden area, location, and the objectives of the project.

How To Contact The United Methodist Church ?

  • Address:  United Methodist Church – Global Ministries

            458 Ponce de Leon Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30308 USA

  1. Lutheran Church – Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Community Garden

ELCA community gardens are a part of the church. They aim to promote sustainable living. These gardens are located at church sites and also collaborate with local communities. These community gardens provide fresh production of fruits and vegetables and offer education on sustainable lifestyle.

Eligibility for Lutheran Church (ELCA)

ELCA community gardens usually give church garden grants to the local residents who are facing food security. In some cases, the grant is provided to church members  and other community organizations.

How To Contact ELCA ?

  • Address:  Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

8765 W. Higgins Road Chicago, IL 60631 USA

If your organization is based in Washington, then do check out Community Garden Grants in Washington.

  1. Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) – Fund for UU Social Responsibility Community Garden

UUA supports community gardens as part of its mission to advance social justice and environmental sustainability. These church garden grants  from UUA help gardens promote the fresh production of foods, sustainable environment, and education on gardening and nutrition.

Eligibility for Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)

The eligible criteria for UUA social responsibility are for local community members and UU congregations.They also offer grants to specific programs that focus on sustainability and social responsibilities.

How To Contact UUA –  Fund for UU Social Responsibility Community Garden ?

Address:Unitarian Universalist Association

24 Farnsworth Street Boston, MA 02210 USA

Phone: +1 617-742-2100

Email: [email protected]

Website:  Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) – Fund for UU Social Responsibility

  1. Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) – World Renew Community Garden

World Renew Community Garden is the support builder of CRCNA and thus provides church garden grants. These gardens facilitate poverty and enhance food security. World Renew gardens are part of a large project that aims to empower communities through sustainable agriculture and education.

Eligibility for CRCNA

CRCNA focuses more on the communities who are in need. Bothe the global, and local communities are eligible for this grant. But, the specific project objectives may vary.

How To Contact the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) ?

  • Address: World Renew

1700 28th Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49508 USA

  1. American Baptist Churches USA – One Great Hour of Sharing Community Garden

A major offering of the American Baptist Churches USA, One Great hour of sharing funds the community garden for its development. These church garden grants help in enhancing  gardens so that they can be able to provide fresh foods, and also support both the local and global communities.

Eligibility for American Baptist Churches USA

American Baptist Churches USA is open to all the community members, but gives priority to those who are in need and are facing food security quite often.

How To Contact American Baptist Churches USA ?

  • Address: American Baptist Churches USA

1015 West 9th Street Suite A Kansas City, MO 64101 USA

  1. The Salvation Army Community Garden

The Salvation Army also operates a community garden. The Army supports the communities as part of the social services program. These gardens aim to produce fresh foods, healthy lifestyle, shelter, and involve the community members in engaging activities.

Eligibility for The Salvation Army Community Garden

The Salvation Army Community Garden is open to all the local community members, especially focusing on those who are at risk of population in the garden. It also provides grants to the individuals who are activists members of any community garden.

How To Contact The Salvation Army ?

  • Address: The Salvation Army

615 Slaters Lane Alexandria, VA 22314 USA

  1. Seventh-day Adventist Church – Adventist Community Services Community Garden

Adventist Community Services supports community gardens for the community well being and health. These gardens provide fresh fruits and vegetables, promote the benefits of the community garden, and aim to accomplish the mission of sustainable environment. These programs also offer education in gardening and its practices.

Eligibility for Seventh-day Adventist Church 

The community garden is open to all the local residents and also the active members of the church. And they grant for those members, who are especially in need of community gardens.

How To Contact Adventist Community Services Community Garden ?

  1. United Church of Christ (UCC) – Neighbors in Need Community Garden

Neighbors in Need community garden supports by providing justice and justices issues. These gardens provide fresh production of foods to the underserved population and engage the community for the welfare of the society.

Eligibility for Neighbors in Need Community Garden

Neighbors in Need are open to all local community members, especially focusing on those who have faced various challenges and hardship through life.

How To Contact Neighbors in Need of a Community Garden ?

Address: 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 (216) 736-2100

Website: Neighbors in Need

  1. Quaker – Friends Foundation for the Aging Community Garden

Quaker – Friends Foundation For the Aging Community Garden mainly focuses on sustainability, health, and community engagement thus provides  church garden grants. These gardens are part of large projects and often collaborate with the local groups aiming for the good quality of life to the aging population and their communities.

Eligibility for Quaker – Friends Foundation for the Aging Community Garden

The Aging Community Garden provides grants to the local members of the community with focus on older members and the underserved groups.

How To Contact Quaker – Friends Foundation for the Aging Community Garden ?

Address: 5012 E. Van Buren St, Phoenix, AZ 85008

Phone:  [email protected]

Email: +1 (602) 263-3331

Website: Friends Foundation

  1. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) – Week of Compassion Community Garden

Week of Compassion community garden develops the mission of Christian Church   (Disciples of Christ) to address food security and sustainable agriculture through the localities. These gardens often support large scale and development projects.

Eligibility for Week of Compassion Community Garden

Week of Compassion gives grants to the local people and also to the people who are in need of consuming healthy foods. They also give grants to the residents who are near to the church and the church members.

How To Contact the Week of Compassion Community Garden ?

  1. Islamic Relief USA Community Garden

Islamic Relief USA grants support to the Community Garden for humanitarian purposes and environmental welfare. These grants aim for the diverse community to bring closer. These gardens produce fresh foods and also provide education workshops and gardening.

Eligibility for Islamic Relief USA Community Garden

Islamic Relief USA gives grants to the local communities and to the individuals who are facing food security and other challenges.

How To Contact Islamic Relief USA Community Garden ? 

  1. Jewish Federation of North America Community Garden

Jewish Federation provides church garden grants to support the community gardens to secure food security and to promote the community engagements.The gardens of Jewish Federation provides the fresh foods and gives support to the various community services.

Eligibility for Jewish Federation of North America Community Garden

The Jewish Federation serves the local community members and those who are in need of community gardens and its activities. Especially focusing on the underserved population. The Jewish Federation is a national organization, so it grants mainly to the local communities of the nation.

How To Contact Jewish Federation of North America Community Garden ?

Also Read:  Community Garden Grants in Worcester are available here

How to Apply for Church Community Garden Grants?

Church Community Garden Grants Application Procedure has been listed below:

  1. Identify Potential Grants

To find church community garden funding opportunities, you need to look for various types of organizations, mainly those that are offered by religious organizations. You can also check the local non profit organizations based on your location.

  1. Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria might be different to each organization. The eligibility requirements usually aim at the project goals, location, and the community activities. Also note the application deadlines and prepare the grant proposal accordingly.

  1. Prepare the proposal

Prepare for the grant proposal with delta description. Outline the project objectives, and activities, also highlight the benefits about the garden. Create a budget outlining all the costs for the project, justify the cost by explaining the maintenance, setup, and other tools and how the funds will be used.

  1. Documentation

Gather all the information related to church, organization, including its mission, history, and other community projects. If possible, obtain the letters of support from local members, and community members to build a project’s motives strong. Include non-profit status or 501(c)(3) status, only if applicable.

  1. Complete and Submit application

Follow all the instructions and guidelines and fill  up the application carefully. Ensure that all the documents are attached to the application. Some grants require online submission, while some require physically. Follow the submission instructions carefully, so that the application gets submitted before the deadline.

  1. Follow-up

Prepare yourself for  follow up, if grants respond with the interview process. Track the progress report of the application and also stay connected with the grant provider.

Also Read: How To Apply for Scotts Miracle Gro Community Garden Grants ?


Church Community Garden Grants play a significant role in providing church funding opportunities. It promotes the fostering of community gardens, and promotes sustainability. With dedicated efforts and collaboration church community gardens became centers of growth, education, and community support. The eligibility and application procedure for Church Community Garden Grants has already been mentioned before, apply for the church community garden grant that is most suitable for your non-profit organization.

Check out Information related to farm grants and federal government garden grants at 

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

What are the benefits of a church community garden?

Major benefits of the church community garden are- provides fresh food, encourages community building, offers education and guidance, and promotes a sustainable environment.

How can a church community garden grants help in building a community garden? 

To ensure the success of the community garden, the project needs to be planned thoroughly first, and in the next step offer the guidance and workshop to educate the participants about gardening and sustainability. Monitor the community activity closely and make a report of it. And finally celebrate the success of the garden.

What resources are available for churches starting or managing a community garden?

Resources that are available are books, workshops and guidance, and gardening practices are offered to start or manage a church community garden.

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