How To Apply For Cummings Foundation grants

Rosi Melonica

Cummings Foundation grants Application

How To Get Grants from Cummings Foundation Grants – Grants from the Cummings Foundation help local organizations in the counties of Middlesex, Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk a lot. The foundation’s more than $500 million in grants to nonprofits has spurred good change and given communities a voice in areas including healthcare, education, social justice, and human services.

Joyce and Bill Cummings established the Cummings Foundation in 1986, formerly known as the Cummings Properties Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to support the communities in which Cummings Properties manages commercial real estate.  If you wish to learn more about the Cummings Foundation grants, you must visit the official website of the foundation at: 

If you are interested to know more about foundation grants, then please visit our page grants buddy at 

Key Takeaways

  • Supports local nonprofits in eastern Massachusetts with a focus on healthcare, education, social justice, and human services.
  • Grants range from several thousand to several hundred thousand dollars.
  • Applicants must be public charities with 501(c)(3) status.
  • 2024 grant cycle offers expanded geographic areas and grant writing assistance for smaller organizations.

What are Cummings Foundation Grants ?

The majority of the  Cummings Foundation’s grant goes toward local organizations in the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Suffolk, with a smaller amount going to certain areas in Norfolk County. With the help of subsidiaries like OneWorld Boston, Inc., the foundation runs its programs and distributes funds through programs like $100K for 100 and Sustaining funds. 

Based on nonprofit input, The Cummings Foundation’s grant cycle for 2024 launches a pilot initiative to coach small charities in grant writing and increase geographic limits to reach more locations. A shorter version of the entire application is now available for smaller grant proposals, and the budget template is in line with Philanthropy Massachusetts’ Common Proposal. Volunteer selection committees have the authority to seek further information from candidates or even visit the site if they so want, but Foundation staff members generally refrain from doing so.

Eligibility for Cummings Foundation Grants

If you wish to get grants from the Cummings Foundation you must meet the standards. 

  • In most cases, the Cummings $30 million Grant Program will not approve applications from endowments, private foundations, religious projects, or political groups.
  • Entities and persons with a very short history, debt reduction efforts, big capital campaigns that are not yet near completion, and elementary and secondary institutions with high tuition fees are also not included.
  • Also not eligible are groups that have large endowments, violate civil freedoms, or are not public charities according to Section 501(c)(3).
  • With the exception of public institutions and some localities, where Cummings has business assets, municipalities are usually not included.
  • If a past grantee still meets the current eligibility standards, has paid out their previous awards in full, and has followed all other terms of their prior grant agreement, they may reapply.

If you are looking for financial help for your organization, there are some foundations such as the Wawa Foundation grant, and United Methodist Foundation Grants you must visit to get grants for your organization. 

Focus Area of Cummings Foundation grants

The Cummings Foundation has its limit to providing funds. 

Geographic Focus

  • Provides most of its funding to NGOs in the counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Suffolk as well as certain areas of Norfolk.
  • Cummings provides preferential treatment to organizations in the eleven municipalities in which it manages commercial real estate.
  • To qualify, a business must conduct half of its operations inside this region.

Priority Causes

  • Justice, healthcare, and education get the bulk of the budget.
  • Despite their importance, this program does not place a premium on the arts, culture, environment, sports, or historic preservation.
  • Because the Foundation already gives money to animal rights groups through other programs, animal welfare organizations are usually not considered.
  • The allocation of funds is different since there is a cap on the number of grants given to separate groups that are members of the same national organization.

Also Read: How To Get Grants from Novo Foundation ?

Grantees of Cummings Foundation Grants

Here are some past grantees of the Cummings Foundation grants:

Building a Better Beverly

The Cummings Foundation awarded $75,000 to Building a Better Beverly to fund their Summer Literacy Program. This program helps 180 incoming first-grade kids who are reading below grade level. With Cummings Foundation grants for education, the organization can assist kids improve their reading abilities and academic performance via individualized literacy interventions and support. Contributing to the foundation’s dedication to education and community development, this program seeks to alleviate educational inequities while providing help to kids in need.

National Assoc. for Armenian Studies & Research

With the help of a $150,000 grant from the Cummings Foundation, the National Association for Armenian Studies & Research (NAASR) will be able to supply educators and librarians with reliable resources to educate about the genocide. This money will help the National Association for the Study of Genocide (NAASR) fulfill its aim of bringing greater light on the Armenian Genocide and other genocides. Contributing to the foundation’s dedication to social justice and education on significant historical events, this effort offers educators materials to educate about past tragedies.

Beverly Education Foundation

Cummings Foundation provided the Beverly Education Foundation a substantial contribution of $300,000 to fund teacher awards, professional development opportunities, and parent participation initiatives. The Beverly Education Foundation will be able to provide more resources and support to teachers so that they may innovate in the classroom and improve educational opportunities for children with Cummings Foundation grants for childcare centers. This program aims to improve school results and help local charities by increasing collaboration between educators, parents, and the community. It is in line with the foundation’s mission.

Family Promise North Shore Boston

Confidence in Family Cummings Foundation granted North Shore Boston $60,000 to support landlord mediation services, enhance financial aid per home, and extend long-term case management. With Cummings Foundation grants for homeless shelters, the group can continue its important work of assisting homeless families in finding permanent housing and regaining their independence. This effort ties in with the foundation’s mission to enhance community members’ lives and assist human services by tackling the underlying causes of homelessness and offering comprehensive support services.

Arlington EATS

The Cummings Foundation generously granted $90,000 to Arlington EATS so that all Arlington residents can have dignified access to healthy, locally sourced food. With this money, they can continue to help those who are struggling with food insecurity by supplying them with the tools they need. In keeping with the foundation’s mission to promote human services and improve community well-being, this effort seeks to ensure that all community members have equal access to nutritious food alternatives.

Acton Food Pantry

The Cummings Foundation has given $135,000 to the Acton Food Pantry so that they can continue their important work of increasing the availability of healthy food in the community. For those who are unable to make it to the pantry in person, the money will allow them to launch a home delivery program and set up a mobile market. Healthcare and social justice initiatives are cornerstones of the foundation’s mission to better the lives of community members, and this endeavor is in line with that goal.

Andover Public Schools

The Andover Public Schools were able to increase the number of authors from varied ethnic backgrounds that visit the school thanks to a $150,000 grant from the Cummings Foundation grants for childcare centers. Because of the grant, the school will be able to implement this stimulating program across all grade levels, making it possible for children from all walks of life to participate fully in their education. This program helps the foundation achieve its goals of supporting education and developing communal cohesion by encouraging cultural inclusion and understanding.

Mystic River Watershed Association

With the help of a $90,000 grant from the Cummings Foundation, the Mystic River Watershed Association will be able to provide 1,500 kids throughout the watershed engaging educational programs. Through Cummings Foundation grants for environmental initiatives, they hope to raise students’ consciousness about the need of protecting local ecosystems, and this grant will help them do just that. This effort is in line with the foundation’s dedication to education and environmental protection by encouraging youngsters to become ambassadors for the environment.

Bedford Public Schools

Students in Bedford Public Schools may now access ESL classes thanks to a $60,000 gift from the Cummings Foundation. This will help them become more proficient readers and open doors to better job prospects. With these funds, the school can continue its mission to help English language learners succeed academically and socially. In line with the foundation’s mission to assist education and community development, this program seeks to address the needs of various learners while also advancing educational equity.

Lifting Spirits Miniature Therapy Horses

Cummings Foundation grants for animal shelters are also available and this can be seen as the Cummings Foundation granted $30,000 to Lifting Spirits Miniature Therapy Horses so they may increase the number of therapy visits and possibilities for social and emotional growth with rescued miniature horses. They may expand their programs with the help of this cash, which will be crucial for helping those who need emotional and intellectual support. This effort supports the foundation’s aim of providing innovative healthcare initiatives to improve the lives of community people by utilizing the unique benefits of animal-assisted therapy.

The Furniture Trust

The Furniture Trust will use the $150,000 donation from the Cummings Foundation to help local NGOs find affordable and eco-friendly workplace furniture. With this money, they can keep helping nonprofits run while also fulfilling their purpose of reusing and recycling office equipment. This program helps the foundation achieve its mission of encouraging social responsibility and community development by bolstering the infrastructure of local charities and promoting sustainability.

Japanese Bostonians Support Line

Cummings Foundation awarded $45,000 to Japanese Bostonians Support Line so that they may reach out to low-income, suffering, or lonely Asian immigrants and provide them with case management, advocacy, and elder visits. With this money, they can continue helping people and families who are going through tough times. This effort reflects the foundation’s values of social justice and community empowerment by reaching out to underserved communities and advocating for cultural inclusion.

Heathmere Center for Cultural Engagement

With a $30,000 grant from the Cummings Foundation, the Heathmere Center for Cultural Engagement will launch a Dialogue Youth Corps to teach 12 young people about intergroup communication. By participating in this program, young people will get the skills necessary to become civic change agents and community facilitators. This will in turn promote tolerance and cooperation between different groups. This project supports the foundation’s goals of social justice and community empowerment by encouraging young leadership development and intergroup communication.  For more grantees’ information, you can check 

How to Apply for Cummings Foundation grants ?

There are five steps in the process of getting Cummings Foundation grants. Here are those

Assess Qualifications

Please check the Cummings Foundation website for qualifying requirements, such as project alignment with funding goals, organizational type, and geographic focus, before submitting an application.

Forward a Request for Information (LOI)

Submit a brief letter of intent (LOI) through the online portal, with a focus on a grant application spanning three years, when the LOI period begins on July 1. We can only accept one letter of intent (LOI) every award cycle.

Looking forward to the invitation!

If your organization is requested to submit a full application, you will get notified via email after the LOI submission due on September 8. Make sure to check your spam folders on a regular basis for any notifications.

Submit the Entire Application

In response to an invitation, please submit a comprehensive application by the due date while adhering to the foundation’s standards and making use of the budget template that has been supplied.

Be a Part of the Evaluation Procedure

The committees tasked with selecting volunteers may contact you for further information or even visit the location you showed interest in. Applicants are usually not met with foundation officials for informative briefings.

You can also check for more details regarding the selection process at: 

Cummings Foundation Grants contact information

Physical address: 200 West Cummings Park, Woburn, MA 01801

Joyce Vyriotes, Executive Director


[email protected]

Andrew Bishop, Deputy Director


[email protected]



In the counties of Middlesex, Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk, The Cummings Foundation grants are extremely important. The foundation has given over $500 million to nonprofits, changing the lives of countless people through its unwavering dedication to healthcare, education, social justice, and human services.

Cummings Foundation Grants addresses important challenges and drives good change through programs like $100K for 100 and Sustaining Grants. These grants encourage cooperation and creativity. Reiterating its commitment to supporting charities and promoting community development, the foundation unveils improvements to its grant cycle for 2024, such as broader geographic limits and a program to teach grant writers.  The Cummings Foundation grants have been a constant source of encouragement for individuals in need, and they will likely remain so.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Cummings Foundation a reputable grantmaker?

Indeed, the Cummings Foundation is a respected benefactor that has a stellar reputation for generously supporting regional initiatives, especially in the counties of Middlesex, Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk.

How much funding can I get from Cummings Foundation grants?

Grant amounts from the Cummings Foundation are program and project specific. One can receive a grant of several thousand to several hundred thousand dollars.

Do I need a 501c3 to apply for Cummings Foundation grants?

For the Cummings Foundation to provide funding, the organization must be a public charity according to Section 501(c)(3).

Does the Cummings Foundation grant to support national organizations?

Local NGOs, not national ones, are what the Cummings Foundation mostly backs. To guarantee a diversified distribution of funds, however, it may provide grants to separate groups that are members of the same national organization.

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