Hilton Foundation Grants Programs Application

Rosi Melonica

Hilton Foundation Grants Programs Application

How To Get Grants from Hilton Foundation Grants Programs – Supporting Catholic Sisters, global ECD, homelessness, opportunity youth, refugees, and safe water fosters compassion, resilience, and equality. They empower marginalized populations, supply basic needs, and establish inclusive, sustainable communities. Investing in these areas creates positive social change, benefiting people, families, and society.

Funds from the Hilton Foundation Grant tackle global issues. Scholarships promote resilience and equity in underprivileged areas via children’s development, education, homelessness, and more. The foundation supports Catholic Sisters, global early childhood development, and other initiatives to reform society. Scalable, evidence-based solutions improve the future for individuals, families, and communities worldwide with over $1 billion in funding.

If you are looking for financial help for your organization, you can check some foundation grants such as Carnegie Foundation Grants, and Enterprise Foundation Grants that are responsible for providing grants to organizations to make the world a better place to live.

What are Hilton Foundation Grants?

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Grant is an international organization that conducts its work with a special interest in the development of children, opportunity youth, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), refugees, and the work of Catholic nuns. In the United States, it provides financial assistance to programs that promote early childhood education, foster kids, and initiatives to eradicate homelessness, with a particular focus on Southern California.

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation has large assets and supports global development. The discriminating grantmaker prioritizes demonstrable results and scaling and replicating successful initiatives and programs. It develops long-term partnerships with grantees and publishes evaluations and research via its website, conferences, and other events. The foundation has assets of $6 billion, grantmaking of over $1 billion, and donating of $400 million in a recent year.

Conrad Hilton and his second son, Barron Hilton, founded the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation in 1944. The foundation’s articles of formation demand “direct descendants of Conrad Hilton constitute a majority of the board.” The founders write in their mission statement that “the funds you will expend have come from many places in the world so let there be no territorial, religious, or color restrictions on your benefactions.”

For more information, you can check the foundation’s official website at: https://www.hiltonfoundation.org/

Focus areas of the  Hilton Foundation Grants

Here are some core areas that the Hilton Foundation Grants take as primary serve.

  • Catholic Sisters

The Hilton Foundation funds Catholic Sisters’ focal area activities to improve communities via programs and projects that reflect their beliefs and purpose.

  • Foster Youth

Foster Youth grants address the particular issues encountered by foster youth to improve their well-being and give opportunity for a brighter future.

  • Global Early Childhood Development:

The organization promotes global Early Childhood Development projects that help children grow holistically and healthily.

  • Homelessness

The Hilton Foundation supports programs and organizations that create lasting solutions, help homeless people, and address the core causes of homelessness.

  • Opportunity Youth

Opportunity Youth empowers youth by providing education, training, and jobs, building a brighter future.

  • Refugees

The charity helps refugees reconstruct their lives by providing assistance, protection, and opportunity.

  • Safe Water

The Hilton Foundation supports Safe Water programs that improve health, hygiene, and well-being worldwide by providing clean, safe water.

The Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize is the greatest yearly humanitarian prize in the world, with a value of $2.5 million. It is given to charitable organizations that are deemed to have made remarkable efforts toward reducing human suffering.

To know more, please visit the areas of interest of the foundation at https://www.hiltonfundforsisters.org/grants/eligibleprojects-2/areasofinterest/

Eligibility for Hilton Foundation Grants

The Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters (HFS) requires a sworn member of a Roman Catholic Church-recognized women’s religious congregation that has completed the experimentum period to apply for funding.  The Public Association of Faithful is now no longer accepted.

Additionally, the sister needs to meet the requirements for one of the following groups mentioned below

  • One sister is required to devote 30 hours a week to this project and be ready to serve as the Primary Sister Contact.
  • The initiative requires the active participation of at least two sisters.  A minimum of thirty hours per week is required of them.
  • HFS may sponsor a ministry beginning in a women’s religious community without vowed members for 30 hours.  The superior must certify the congregation’s continuous governance and control of the initiative and describe its current engagement in the organization/project in their Letter of Recommendation.

Letter of Recommendation

In order to submit a letter of recommendation with an application, the superior making the recommendation must provide the applicant’s bank details.  On the ministry’s behalf, HFS will disperse the monies to the congregation.

Grant applications for The Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters (HFS) are due on February 1, June 1, and October 1 of each year; this is an essential fact regarding the foundation’s deadlines. Approximately five months after each deadline, the foundation expects to announce grant wins, giving groups that share their vision a chance to apply on a regular basis.

To know more, one can visit https://www.hiltonfundforsisters.org/grants/eligibilityrequirements-2/

Conrad Hilton Foundation Grant Application Process

There are a few steps in the application process, applicants must address them in order to apply for a grant from the foundation.

  1. Verifying Eligibility

Determine eligibility according to predetermined standards, such as needs and financial priorities.

  1. Submitting an Application

Apply for a grant online using eGrant and be sure you submit it by the due date.

  1. Evaluation Method

The HFS board meets three times a year to consider applications in detail. Five months is the bare minimum for processing time after the application deadline.

  1. Notifications

Notification of acceptance or rejection issued by email around five months following the submission date. In order to receive their allocated funds, grantees must first complete and submit an online Grant Agreement.

  1. Implementation

The duration of a board-approved grant is twelve months (or six months in the case of an emergency). While implementing the grant, the funds must be in sync with the conditions of the agreement.

  1. Providing Information

At the end of the 12-month period, grantees are required to submit an online Grant Evaluation Report.

  1. Final call

After a document review is complete and a file is closed, HFS will send an email to confirm the process. Prior to submitting new grant applications, grantees should review the restrictions.

There are Hansen Family Foundation Grants. Do not miss them to check out in order to get great possibilities for your organization.

Funding Guidelines of Hilton Foundation Grant

Some important funding restrictions are there in the Hilton Foundation Grant application.

  • There is a $25,000 cap on all funding requests.
  • Inclusions include needs inside the congregation, such as formation programs, assistance for retired sisters, the novitiate, the motherhouse, and the development of the convent.
  • Construction, transportation (not including motorcycles and ambulances, but up to $25,000), salaries, benefits, endowments, debt repayment, and the purchase of land or buildings are all off-limits.
  • Limitations on funding for long-standing organizations with budgets over $2,000,000, retreat centers, and diocesan/parish initiatives with high UN Human Development Index scores.

You can also ExxonMobil Foundation Grant Application check as you can find great opportunities for your organization.

Contact Details of Hilton Foundation Grants

Mailing Address: 1 Dole Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91362, 818.851.3700

Website: https://www.hiltonfoundation.org/  

You can also fill out the contact form available at: https://www.hiltonfoundation.org/about/contact

Hilton Foundation Grants’ Grantees

King Baudouin Foundation United States, Inc.

Half a million dollars will be available to the King Baudouin Foundation USA, Inc. until the end of 2024. The Amahoro Coalition will utilize the funds to launch the Africa Private Sector Forum on Forced Displacement, an initiative that will bring together companies across the continent to discuss the economic inclusion of refugees and encourage them to make financial contributions.

Transcultural Psycho Social Organisation Ltd

The Hilton Foundation has awarded a $250,000 grant to the Transcultural Psycho Social Organisation Ltd. The grant will remain in effect until August 2024. The intended use of the funds is to promote mental health, healthy parenting, and livelihood initiatives across two generations of the host and refugee communities.

Global Public Policy Institute e.V.

With the support of a $359,000 grant that will last until August 2025, the Global Public Policy Institute e.V. is working to improve policies and practices pertaining to refugees in four countries such as Ethiopia, Ecuador, Uganda, and Colombia via evaluating advocacy efforts and sharing lessons gained.

Refugee Career Jumpstart Project

Between now and February 2024, the Refugee Career Jumpstart Project will receive $200,000 from the Hilton Foundation. The purpose of this financing is to provide refugee leaders with the necessary skills to actively participate in diplomatic efforts preparing for the 2023 Global Refugee Forum.

Refugee Led Organization Network (RELON) Limited

It is the mission of Refugee Led Organization Network (RELON) Limited, with a significant amount of budget of $200,000 until February 2024, to encourage and enable the active involvement and influence of African Refugee Led Organizations in the run-up to the 2023 Global Refugee Forum.

Ministry of Education and Sports

From now until July 2025, the Ministry of Education and Sports will get a substantial grant amounting to $500,000 in total. Centers for the Development of young children in Uganda that are providing shelter to refugees would be eligible to receive funding to enhance their quality, with a particular emphasis on educational gains.

Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS)

Evaluating refugee policies and services in Ethiopia’s metropolitan regions is the responsibility of the Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS). The organization is responsible for receiving $100,000 until June 2024. The goal is to advocate for policies and programs that help refugees become fully integrated members of their host communities in metropolitan areas.

Kiva Microfunds

The Hilton Foundation has generously granted Kiva Microfunds half a million dollars to support their work until June 2024. Refugees in Uganda, Ecuador, and Colombia will be able to rely on this money to help with economic empowerment programs that provide them with stability and access.

Coalición Por Venezuela Inc.

Coalicion Por Venezuela Inc. will be on the receiving end of a grant in the amount of $75,000 till February 2024. In order for refugee leaders to be able to have a good influence at the Global Refugee Forum in 2023, they will get training in diplomacy and policy advocacy with the assistance of this support.

Center for Global Development

From December 2024 until the end of the year 2025, the Center for Global Development will receive $300,000 in funding from the Hilton Foundation. The goal of this money is to help alter the policies of multilateral development banks so that they can better assist nations hosting refugees with improving their livelihoods and access to childcare.


Financial Grants from Conrad N. Hilton Foundation are making a difference throughout the world, particularly in the areas of children’s development, opportunity youth, water, sanitation, hygiene, refugees, and the efforts of Catholic nuns. Grants surpassing $1 billion demonstrate the foundation’s dedication to evidence-based, scalable programs, supported by its total assets of $6 billion. In order to create an effect that lasts, the foundation promotes long-term relationships, thorough reviews, and openness. The prominent grantees showcase a range of endeavors that address mental health, economic inclusion, policy advocacy, and education. This demonstrates the foundation’s commitment to ending human suffering and advancing sustainable solutions on a global scale. If you are interested in knowing more about foundation Grants, you can simply visit our page https://grantsbuddy.com/

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Hilton Foundation Grants?

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation gives grants to support different projects around the world, focused on things like children’s growth, homelessness, education, and more. The goal of these funds is to help solve important social problems and have good, long-lasting effects. 

What areas does the Hilton Foundation focus on in its grants?

The Hilton Foundation funds Catholic Sisters, worldwide ECD, homelessness, opportunity youth, refugees, and safe water programs. These areas benefit communities, empower underprivileged populations, and promote sustainable development.

How can I apply for Hilton Foundation Grants?

To apply for Hilton Foundation Grants, you need to check the qualifying requirements, complete the application process, and submit the relevant paperwork using eGrant. Remember the February, June, and October submission deadlines.

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