How To Apply For KPMG Foundation Community Grants

Rosi Melonica

KPMG Foundation Community Grants

The KPMG Foundation Community Grants is an important program that encourages KPMG and its Canadian employees to be more involved in their communities and to take responsibility for the world around them. It encourages others to pitch in financially and donate their time, acting as a catalyst for communal giving. The foundation is an integral part of KPMG’s community engagement strategy, helping to set goals and track progress toward them in accordance with the company’s yearly business plan.

In addition, it shares the good deeds and accomplishments of KPMG and its employees and promotes a culture of giving back to the community. The KPMG Foundation Grant helps further KPMG’s goal of being a civically engaged and socially responsible business. This benefits the company and the people it serves.

If you are looking for financial help for your organizations, you can check some foundation grants such as CIGNA foundation grant, and Keck foundation grants.

Key Takeaways

  • The KPMG Foundation provides grants to organizations working to improve underserved communities in healthcare, education, and economic opportunity.
  • Grant applications are prioritized based on their focus on relief and resilience, education, equity, and community development.
  • Nonprofits can improve their chances of receiving funding by demonstrating a history of positive impact and a clear understanding of systemic barriers.
  • The KPMG Foundation website offers up-to-date information on eligibility criteria and application deadlines.

Overview of KPMG Foundation Grants

Philanthropic endeavors known as The KPMG Foundation grants seek to improve the lives of clients, workers, and the general public in a lasting and beneficial way. In line with KPMG’s dedication to honesty and excellence, the foundation helps organizations all around the globe overcome structural obstacles in areas including healthcare, education, economic opportunity, and community development via giving money and becoming involved in the community.

Under the leadership of President and Chair Anita Whitehead, the KPMG U.S. Foundation is staffed by committed individuals such as Nora Wheeler, who oversees initiatives, and Malika Adam, who handles operations. They administer the foundation’s charitable programs that strive to improve education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and community development in line with KPMG’s mission and principles.

Under the leadership of Anita Whitehead, the Foundation’s Board of Directors is comprised of highly successful individuals hailing from different KPMG offices across the United States. They provide strong leadership and strategic guidance for the foundation’s projects thanks to their varied backgrounds in auditing, taxes, advising, and diversity programs.

For more information check

KPMG Foundation Grants Eligibility Requirements

KPG foundation serves a wide area and thus sets eligibility criteria for its grantees to get grants.

  • The promotion of educational, health care, and economic opportunity equity for underrepresented groups should be an organization’s primary goal.
  • In their application, candidates should show that they have researched the systemic obstacles encountered by underrepresented groups and have ideas for how to overcome them.
  • To be eligible, a nonprofit must have a history of making a positive, quantifiable difference in the lives of the people they serve.
  • Relief and resilience, education, equity, and community development initiatives may get priority funding if they are in line with the purposes and goals of the KPMG Foundation.
  • Each grant application procedure has its own set of rules and regulations that applicants must follow.

There is also Cummings Foundation, responsible for giving monterey grants to needy organization, do not miss the opportunities to visit them

Grantees of KPMG Foundation Grants

Here are some past grantees of KPMG foundation grants.


KPMG has granted Npower, an organization that helps underprivileged communities and veterans find digital job opportunities, $75,000 for a year to help them become economically independent. Veterans can gain civilian employment experience, especially in cybersecurity, through Npower’s Skillbridge program. This has the backing of the Department of Defense. This program is available to veterans during their last 180 days of duty.

Veterans in Northern Virginia can take advantage of the Skillbridge program, funded by the KPMG foundation grants for Veterans, that teaches participants marketable IT skills, pairs them with experienced IT mentors, and helps them find jobs after they graduate. By receiving this money, KPMG is helping to ensure that veterans have better prospects for fulfilling careers in the digital world. This will help this worthy group achieve economic success and professional growth.

Global giving 

In September 2022, GlobalGiving was generously granted $1,210,845 by the KPMG US Foundation. By providing financial backing for GlobalGiving’s operational activities, you’re ensuring that the organization can keep doing its important work on a worldwide scale, tackling important challenges and helping communities all over the world.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Almost four million kids and teenagers throughout the country benefit from the many programs, workshops, and other services offered by Boys & Girls Clubs of America each year. Teens and young adults of all racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, ability, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds are welcome and supported in the organization’s safe, supportive, and inclusive spaces, where they can develop into caring, responsible adults.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

For the purpose of reducing mental health inequalities in Black communities, NAMI will receive $50,000 for the next year. In order to address the unique mental health needs of Black people, NAMI has created the Sharing Hope instructional video series. In order to promote equality in access to mental health services and education, NAMI is distributing these movies to more than 56 geographic locations around the US. Their goal is to help close the gap in mental health care for Black individuals and families.

Bias (OIB) project from Harvard University

The Outsmarting Implicit Bias (OIB) project at Harvard University is another recipient of KPMG Foundation grants for minorities, receiving $100,000 annually for a period of two years. In order to help individuals and organizations identify and reduce prejudice in decision-making, the Open Minds Project (OIB) offers science-based education on implicit bias. Fostering a more inclusive and ethical organizational culture, KPMG allows its workers to participate in content input and use these resources in firm training by supporting the creation of OIB materials.

All Stars Project of Dallas

With the help of mentors and the community, the Dallas All Stars Project hopes to improve the lives of disadvantaged kids in the city. In order to expand the All Stars Talent Show Network and the Development School for Youth, All Stars undertakes extensive door-to-door community outreach. Additionally, they offer development coaching to assist youth in expanding their network of caring adults, collaborate with nonprofits through The School Zone, and partner with local organizations, thought leaders, and policymakers.

Youth INC’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund

For the duration of one year, Youth INC will receive $250,000 from the KPMG Foundation Grants to supplement their COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund. Over eighty nonprofits in New York City that focus on adolescent development will be able to meet some of the common obstacles with the help of this money. It is believed that this funding will help these groups raise more money and increase their capacity to help the youngsters they serve, as 70% of them are underfunded and fewer than 50% believe they can satisfy their requirements. The goal of KPMG’s investment in this program is to help young people in New York City overcome obstacles, gain access to resources, and realize their maximum potential.

Plan International USA

Plan International USA was also one of the recipients of a $490,034 award in September 2022 from the KPMG US Foundation. With this support, Plan International USA can continue to fulfill its purpose of advancing gender equality and children’s rights, especially in marginalized areas.

First Book

In addition, the KPMG US Foundation awarded First Book a substantial donation of $451,190 in September 2022. The operational activities of First Book, aims to ensure that underprivileged children in the US have access to high-quality reading materials, will get this cash. Giving back to the community through this gift shows that KPMG cares about helping low-income kids get the education they need.

Urban Schools Human Capital Academy (USHCA)

Boosting teacher performance in urban districts, Urban Schools Human Capital Academy (USHCA) receives a $300,000 grant for one year. Due to the high rate of teacher turnover that has occurred since the pandemic, it is critical that district administrators receive assistance from USHCA in order to properly manage their teacher talent. By collaborating with district human resources departments, USHCA is able to pinpoint areas where teachers are underperforming and put evaluation frameworks in place, all with the goal of improving student results.


Another organization that will be receiving funding from the KPMG Foundation Grants for Education is MindSpark. This will use the $200,000 in funding to support teacher training and education for a year. Re-engineering education and providing teachers with modern-day skills are at the heart of MindSpark’s unique initiatives. Helping educators succeed in their positions, this funding supports MindSpark’s Education Accelerator and New Teacher Development programs. These programs tackle topics including emotional intelligence, community-based problem-solving, classroom management, and unconscious prejudice.

Check the eligibility for Centene Charitable Foundation grant and grab your possibilities to get grants for your organization.

How to Apply for KPMG Foundation Grants ?

Applying for grants from the KPMG Foundation is a great way for your organization to make a difference in your community by completing the six steps described below.

Evaluate Requirements

Make sure your group is eligible to receive funding from the KPMG Foundation. This  prioritizes helping underserved communities have access to quality healthcare, education, and economic opportunities.

Understand Systemic Barriers

Grant applications should show that the applicant has researched the systemic obstacles encountered by disadvantaged groups and offered solutions to these problems.

Make an Impression

Include quantifiable results and achievements from previous campaigns to prove that your organization has a beneficial influence on the communities it serves.

Coordinate with Overarching Goals

Give top priority to initiatives that help with relief and resilience, education, equity, and community development—all of which are in line with the goals and objectives of the KPMG Foundation.

Follow the Rules

Make sure you follow all the instructions and deadlines specified in the grant application procedure, as well as any other supplementary rules or criteria.

Send in Your Application

Make sure you follow the given steps and deadlines when applying for the grant. Don’t forget to include all the required paperwork and supporting papers to back up your request.

KPMG Foundation Grants Contact Information

Some ways of getting in touch with the KPMG Foundation.

Jane Lawrie

Global Head of Corporate Affairs

KPMG International

E: [email protected]

Eliza Albronda

Managing Director

Global Head of Our Impact Plan

KPMG International

Email : [email protected]

Richard Threlfall

Global Head of KPMG IMPACT

Global Head of Infrastructure

KPMG International

Email : [email protected]


You can also fill the contact form for any quarry available at


KPMG Foundation grants are a ray of sunshine, helping marginalized communities gain ground in the areas of health, education, and the economy. The KPMG Foundation helps organizations make a difference in their communities by removing obstacles and providing funding for projects that are in line with their purpose and vision. In addition to providing financial support, Grants from KPMG Foundation promote communal giving and volunteerism. This benefits KPMG and the communities it serves. By continuing to support these initiatives, KPMG Foundation is reaffirming its dedication to social responsibility, encouraging a spirit of gratitude and generosity among its staff and clients, and ultimately making a positive impact on the world.

If you are interested to know more about foundation grants, then please visit our page grants buddy at

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a limit to the countries or regions that can receive funding from the KPMG Foundation?

Although the KPMG Foundation is active on a worldwide scale, it usually gives out funds to groups that help those in areas where KPMG is located or where there is a clear need. Nevertheless, the emphasis of each grant cycle can cause the precise geographical qualifying criteria to change.

How often does the KPMG Foundation offer grants?

Annually, the KPMG Foundation announces distinct application periods and deadlines for its grants. Interested organizations may stay up-to-date on the foundation’s grant cycles and qualifying requirements by visiting their website on a regular basis.

Can individuals apply for KPMG Foundation grants?

No, Rather than people, nonprofits and philanthropic activities are the usual recipients of gifts from the KPMG Foundation. It is possible, nonetheless, for persons connected to qualifying organizations to submit grant applications on their behalf.

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