How DO I Get Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants

Rosi Melonica

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants – Mid Atlantic is a foundation for arts initiatives and thus provides funding opportunities for groups and individuals that are available through the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation’s grant programs. In order to improve the quality of artistic experiences available to communities, increase enthusiasm for the arts, and strengthen the presenter network in the region, the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants have been established. Organizations can apply for Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants to assist with audience development and educational opportunities in the arts. There is room for artistic exploration and creation, as well as regional and worldwide touring and professional development assistance.

Non-profit groups in DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA, USVI, PR, and WV receive $1,000 to $7,000 from the Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects program. These initiatives must match 1:1 to preserve traditional arts and civilizations. Another significant program, Central Appalachia Living Traditions (CALT) Experiences, provides $1,000–$10,000 grants for public-facing projects in OH, VA, and WV counties without a matching requirement. These projects promote living traditions.

Supporting arts and cultural groups with innovative leadership, Mid Atlantic Arts also administers the Regional Resilience Fund. This fund prioritizes organizations that assist BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and other underrepresented populations.

You can learn more information about the mid-atlantic funding, go through the article and gather all the given information now.

Some relatable grant programs are available including A Glimmer of Hope Foundation Grants you can get in touch with the foundation and know the application process to get the benefits.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation offers grants ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 through programs like the Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects and Central Appalachia Living Traditions Experiences. These grants support a variety of arts projects, from public-facing events to traditional arts preservation.
  2. Applicants from specific regions including DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA, USVI, PR, and WV may apply, with some programs requiring a 1:1 match. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations, government-affiliated entities, and recognized tribal authorities.
  3. The Regional Resilience Fund, particularly, focuses on supporting arts organizations that empower BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and other underrepresented communities, helping them navigate challenges and build sustainable practices during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. Grants aim not only to fund individual projects but also to bolster the broader regional arts ecosystem, enhancing the quality of artistic experiences and increasing public enthusiasm for the arts.
  5. Potential grantees are advised to thoroughly review their eligibility, prepare detailed proposals aligning with the foundation’s goals, and adhere to specific deadlines for each grant program to maximize their chances of receiving funding.

Types of  Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants

Check out the types of Mid Atlantic Arts foundation grants for nonprofits:

  1. Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects Grants

Folk and Traditional Arts Community Project Grants are mainly provided to support art and culture in the Mid Atlantic region. However, the best thing about Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects Grants is that non profit-organizations in Washington, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia can apply for the Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects Grants. The grant amount that is offered varies from $1,000 to $7,000.

  1. Mid-Atlantic Arts Regional Resilience Fund

The Mid-Atlantic Arts Regional Resilience Fund was mainly established during Covid-19 pandemic and thus offered financial assistance to support art and culture organizations that are located in the Mid-Atlantic region. The main focus of the Mid-Atlantic Arts Regional Resilience Fund is to help our organization to adapt to the new changes and also remain resilient. MAAF has offered more than $1,594,340 to support art and culture based organizations in 2020.

  1. Central Appalachia Living Traditions (CALT) Experiences Grants

Central Appalachia Living Traditions, also known as CALT in short, mainly offers funding to projects and events that are based on Appalachian counties including West Virginia, Virginia and Ohio. The main goal of the Central Appalachia Living Traditions (CALT) Experiences Grants is to enhance and develop traditional arts along with cultural knowledge. However, the projects must engage artists and also help in improving the artistic skills and cultural knowledge all over the community.

Eligibility Criteria for Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants

Eligibility Criteria for Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants depend on programs:

  1. Eligibility for Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects Grants

  • Native American communities, the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Virginia, or West Virginia are not eligible.
  • Nonprofit status is required, as is affiliation with a state or municipal government, an Indian tribal authority with federal recognition, or a 501(c)(3) organization. No organization may engage in fiscal sponsorship.
  • Please ensure that all necessary reports and grant documentation are current and not late with Mid Atlantic Arts.
  • It is necessary to have a 1:1 match while discussing match requirements.
  1. Eligibility for Mid-Atlantic Arts Regional Resilience Fund

  • Nonprofit arts and culture organization based in the mid-Atlantic region is required.
  • If an organization’s leadership is visionary, it may make an influence on a local, state, or even national level.
  • Businesses run by or provide services to people from underrepresented groups, including those from rural and distant areas, communities where English is not the predominant language, people with disabilities, and people of color.
  • Organizational overhead, as well as related relief and resilience costs, may be eligible for funding through grants.
  1. Eligibility for Central Appalachia Living Traditions (CALT) Experiences Grants

  • Must call one of the three Appalachian states, Virginia, Ohio, or West Virginia, home or have a permanent place of business.
  • Folk and traditional artists and practitioners as well as non-profit organizations can apply.
  • The counties identified by the ARC must host the bulk of the project’s operations.
  • No match is necessary with regard to the requirement for matching.

Also Read: How To Apply for Garfield Weston Foundation Grants ?

Grantees of Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grant recipients

Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grant has made lots of grants and helped various organizations to reach their aim and objectives of serving people. Here are a short list of past grantees of Mid Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grant

Blood Moon Orchestra

The USArtists International program awarded $12,000 to the California-based Blood Moon Orchestra. With this sponsorship, they may continue their musical artistic pursuits and reach more people with their songs.

Anh Vo

As part of the USArtists International initiative, New York-based dance artist Anh Vo received $9,140. They will be able to showcase their dance performances on a broader scale and advance their practice with the help of this award, which will promote creative growth and cultural interaction.

Music From The Sole

The USArtists International program awarded $11,940 to the New York-based band Music From The Sole. The dance company will be able to keep up its cutting-edge performances that attract a wide range of people thanks to the money they’ve received.

Unfolding Disability Futures

The USArtists International program awarded $12,000 to the Illinois-based multidisciplinary ensemble Unfolding Disability Futures. With the help of this award, they will be able to continue their artistic endeavors that investigate and share alternative viewpoints on disabilities in an effort to promote tolerance and acceptance.

Ensemble Ibérica

The USArtists International program granted $10,440 to the Missourian ensemble Ibérica. The music ensemble will be able to carry on their aim of playing and researching music from Latin America and Iberia, both traditional and modern, thanks to this award. Their work will enhance cultural diversity in the arts.

Hilary Field

The USArtists International program awarded Hilary Field, a musician hailing from Washington, $6,420. With this grant, she may share her music with people all across the world, which will help foster understanding between cultures and increase her impact as an artist.

Making Movies

The USArtists International program awarded $9,600 to the Missouri band Making Movies. With this backing, they can continue making music that unites people of all backgrounds and encourages them to take action in the world.

Tom Lee

Tom Lee, a New York-based puppet theater artist, received $3,660 from the USArtists International program. Thanks to this award, he will be able to keep pushing the boundaries of puppet theater and introducing new audiences to his captivating and original works.

Yaa Samar!

New York’s Yaa Samar! Dance Theatre earned $10,560 from USArtists International. The grant will assist this multidisciplinary group’s dance-based social concerns projects.

Charles Lloyd Sky Quartet

California jazz ensemble Charles Lloyd Sky Quartet received $11,400 from USArtists International. They may play their jazz compositions globally with this support, contributing to the global jazz community.

Sasha Berliner

New York musician Sasha Berliner got $8,110 from USArtists International. The grant will help her develop her work and showcase her distinct musical style.

Nicole Zuraitis

Connecticut jazz musician Nicole Zuraitis received $10,040 from USArtists International. This grant will enable her to compose and perform jazz, expanding culture and reaching new audiences.


Puerto Rican band Gracimá got $11,400 from USArtists International. The award will help them play ethnic and folk-inspired music to preserve and promote their culture.


California folk and traditional arts ensemble Chaksam-pa received $11,400 from USArtists International. They will use this support to preserve and perform traditional Tibetan arts and promote cultural understanding.

Faye Driscoll

New York dancer Faye Driscoll won $11,400 from USArtists International. She will use the money to create and perform new dance works for contemporary dance.

Sister Sylvester

New York multidisciplinary artist Sister Sylvester received $10,950 from USArtists International. This money will let them examine contemporary concerns through multidisciplinary art projects.

The West Virginia Humanities Council

West Virginia’s West Virginia Humanities Council earned a $9,000 CALT Experiences Grant. This money will support folklife and traditional arts projects that promote cultural heritage and community participation.


Virginia folklife and traditional arts practitioner MidMountain received $10,000 from CALT Experiences Grants. They may continue maintaining and promoting traditional arts and crafts with this award. Learn more about the past grantees of the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grant here

Also Read: Check Eligibility To Qualify for El Paso Community Foundation Grants

How to apply for a Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grant ?

If you are interested enough to opt for the grants, you must apply for the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grant. There are six easy steps for the application process of the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grant

  1. Determine Eligibility

Check that your group or project qualifies for the funding you want. Ensure your region, organization type, and project focus meet grant criteria.

  1. Grant Program Selection

Browse the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation website for the right grant program. Review the selected grant’s requirements, application procedure, and deadlines.

  1. Plan Your Proposal

Gather project specifics, budget, organizational details, and any other needed resources. Check your proposal against grant program goals and requirements.

  1. Complete Application

Visit the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation website to apply. Complete the application with all required information and papers. Be careful not to miss any fields.

  1. Application Submission

Check your application for correctness before submitting. Submit the application by the deadline and receive a confirmation.

  1. Following Up

Check your email for Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation communications after submission. Please submit further information if needed. Wait for the grant decision, usually by the grant criteria’ dates.

How to write a winning proposal for Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants ?

If you want to increase your chances of getting Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants, follow four easy steps mentioned below

  • Examine the grant guidelines to understand the Foundation’s objectives. Make sure your project meets their goals.
  • Define your project, goals, budget, and results. A thorough overview can help you plan your proposal.
  • Write a compelling story about your project’s importance. Provide specifics, proof of need, and grant effect.
  • Examine your proposal for clarity, consistency, and mistakes. Use colleagues’ suggestions to improve your application before submitting.

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grant Deadline

You need to ensure the deadlines of the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation grant in order to not to miss out on the opportunity

Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects Grants Deadline

  • The application Opens date is April 24
  • Informational Webinar falls May 8
  • Application Deadline is June 10
  • Notification Sent to Applicants By August 23

Central Appalachia Living Traditions (CALT) Experiences Grants Deadline

2023-2024 Program Application Deadline falls October 24, 2023 Next cycle dates TBA

Mid-Atlantic Arts Regional Resilience Fund Deadline

Please check the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation website for application deadlines. Visit the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation website for details and deadlines. If you are in need and looking for financial assistance from a foundation grant, you can check your eligibility for JPMorgan Chase Foundation Grants

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants Contact Information

If you have any questions or need further information about the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants, please feel free to reach out to them using the following contact details


Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation

201 North Charles Street, Suite 401

Baltimore, MD 21201






For further questions, you can fill out a contact form available at


Grants from the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation have a major impact on the region’s creative and cultural landscape, Mid Atlantic arts foundation provides grants for fine arts programs. Scholarships like this help creatives get their names out there, showcase cultural diversity, and ultimately benefit the community. Support for organizations serving low-income regions comes from the Regional Resilience Fund, and initiatives like Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects and CALT Experiences seek to preserve and celebrate traditional arts.

Through the formation of collaborations and the provision of strategic funding, the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants aim to ensure that every individual in the area has an equitable chance to engage with the arts, therefore promoting cultural understanding and creative expression. For more information and to submit an application, visit the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation’s website. If you are interested in knowing more about foundation grants, then please visit

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants?

They are funding programs supporting organizations and artists in the mid-Atlantic region, enhancing the arts through various grants like Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects, CALT Experiences, and the Regional Resilience Fund.

Can I apply for Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation Grants?

Yes, if you meet the eligibility criteria for each specific grant program. Eligibility varies by location, organization type, and project focus.

Are Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation grant applications open now?

Application periods vary. For instance, the Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects Grants deadline is June 10, 2024. For the latest application deadlines, visit the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation website.

Does the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation provide grants for new artists ?

The Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation does offer a number of grants for new artists that includes  Creative Fellowships, USArtists International, FAJE (French-American Jazz Exchange) and much more.

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