Open Meadows Foundation Grants

Rosi Melonica

Open Meadows Foundation Grants

Open Meadows Foundation GrantsApplication – Open Meadows Foundation An organization that awards grants, the Open Meadows Foundation works to support programs and projects that assist women and girls, especially those who come from underprivileged backgrounds. Funding initiatives that support women and/or girls in becoming leaders are given priority. They don’t provide funding to initiatives or groups where women and girls don’t serve as the main organizers and leaders. Go through the article to know all about Open Meadows foundation grants.

Mission and Focus of Open Meadows Foundation

  1. The Open Meadows Foundation is committed to empowering women and girls, especially those who are suffering social, economic, or political challenges, and thus supports many programs and initiatives aimed at this goal.
  2. They actively support initiatives that help women and girls gain opportunities and leadership abilities.
  3. Grants normally have a maximum of $2,000, and small, newly established organizations and projects with little funds are given priority. Applications are accepted from both individuals and 501(c)(3) organizations.

The following are a few of the initiatives that the Open Meadows Foundation has previously provided funding for:

  1. Projects related to economic rights, like microloans and entrepreneurship training for women
  2. fresh groups of activists headed by women
  3. Boycotts, marches, and other demonstrations that promote female and female engagement in politics
  4. initiatives devoted to environmental activism by women and girls
  5. initiatives promoting labor rights for women and girls
  6. initiatives in the arts and culture that honor the lives and accomplishments of women and girls

Types of Grants That Are Offered by Open Meadows Foundation

The foundation awards grants in a variety of categories. Some of these categories include:

  1. Environmental Justice

funding initiatives that look at environmental challenges from the perspective of girls’ and women’s engagement and leadership.

  1. Arts & Culture

Recognizing women’s and girls’ experiences and accomplishments via cultural initiatives and artistic expression.

  1. Economic empowerment

Microloans, business training programs, and initiatives promoting financial independence for women.

  1. Labor rights

Initiatives promoting fair working conditions and advocating for the rights of women and girls in the workforce. Funding are also offer to support labor rights and they can comfortably work on better conditions.

  1. Healthcare

Funding initiatives are provided to promote health of individuals and families. Healthcare is one of the important factors and thus Open Meadows Foundation lays a high focus on it.

  1. Social Justice

Another funding initiative that is provided by Open Meadows Foundation is to promote social justice. There are many individuals and families who are looking for social justice but due to funding problems they face backlashes. Thus, to overcome Open Meadows Foundation provides funds to help them out.

 Also Read: How To Get Glide Foundation Grants

Eligibility Criterias To Apply For Open Meadows Foundation Grant

Your organization must fulfill specific requirements in order to be eligible for a grant from the Open Meadows Foundation. These requirements include having a nonprofit status (501(c)(3)), having a purpose or goal that is related to social justice and promoting human solidarity, and fulfilling other requirements as determined by the Open Meadows Foundation. The terms and conditions of any grant given by the Open Meadows Foundation must also be accepted by your organization.

How to Submit an Open Meadows Foundation Grant Application.

The Open Meadows Foundation provides funds to both people and businesses. Fill out the Open Meadows Foundation Grant Checklist and send it in to the foundation in order to apply for a grant. The Open Meadows Foundation Grant Checklist comprises details on the project you have in mind, how you plan to use the grant’s proceeds, and an assessment procedure.

Humana Foundation Grant Application  and Nora Roberts Foundation Grants are also available, however to get it you need to meet their eligibility criteria.

Grants from Open Meadows Foundation.

The Open Meadows Foundation offers several different types of grants. The Leadership Grant is the most frequently given kind of grant. This award is intended to support emerging leaders as they launch or expand their businesses. Additional grant categories that are given out consist of:

Professional Development Grants

These awards are given to people to help them advance their knowledge in a particular subject or activity. While job advancement may be the primary goal of this grant, the recipient must also be passionate about and able to dedicate themselves to their work.

Community Service Grants

The purpose of these grants is to provide community members with the chance to engage in activities that uphold the philosophy or mission of Open Meadows Foundation. Volunteering at neighborhood hospitals, libraries, and food banks are just a few of the activities available.

Education and Research Grants

These awards may be used to carry out research on topics that are significant to Open Meadows Foundation, or they may be used to advance knowledge inside the organization itself.

The Open Meadows Foundation’s Future

The Open Meadows Foundation is restructuring in an effort to broaden its influence. When everything is set in stone, they want to update their website with information on their new programming and application deadlines.

How To Contact Open Meadows?

Website: To be informed about new grantmaking activities and application deadlines, visit their website at

List of emails: To obtain direct information about upcoming opportunities, subscribe to their email list.

Social media: Stay up to date on news and announcements by following them on Facebook and Twitter.


The Open Meadows Foundation is a grant-making organization that offers monetary support to people and institutions that support free and open access to knowledge. The Open Meadows Foundation offers grants in the $5,000–$75,000 range. There are numerous award categories available, and the application process is straightforward and effective. You may increase the likelihood that you will get a grant from the Open Meadows Foundation and that it will arrive on schedule. If you want to know more about foundation grants, do check out 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How to apply for a grant from the Open Meadows Foundation?

You must fill out and submit the Grant Application in order to be considered for a grant from Open Meadows Foundation. The grant application contains details about your intended project, the way you plan to use the grant’s funds, and the assessment procedure.

Are there any deadlines for applying to Open Meadows Foundation Grants?

Deadlines are as follows, Spring Cycle – application period is from January 1st to 12:00 midnight EST February 15th and Fall Cycle – application period is from July 1 to 12:00 midnight August 15th. If you missed one cycle, you still have an opportunity to apply for the next one.

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