How To Apply For United Methodist Foundation Grants For Non Profits

Rosi Melonica

United Methodist Foundation Grants For Non Profits

How To Get Grants from United Methodist Grants – Through its United Methodist Foundation Grants, the United Methodist Church shows its dedication to sharing the love of Christ and helping people all around the globe. United Methodist principles, such as alleviating poverty, providing food for the poor, and fighting for social justice, inform these awards, based on the conviction that we are vessels of God’s purpose. These funds support the church’s purpose to promote compassion, justice, and transformational service by giving people the tools they need to make a difference in the world, whether it’s inside their own congregations or via larger organizations.

The United Methodist Foundation Grants are a reflection of the church’s history and purpose since they fund a wide range of faith-based and community-engaged ministries and projects. Grants like this allow churches to carry on a tradition of service and growth that began with the Wesleyan movement and the UBCC.

For more information about the United Methodist Grants, you can check the official website of the foundation at

Key Takeaways

  • The United Methodist Church grants support ministries focused on social justice, alleviating poverty, and community development.
  • Grants are available for various needs, including youth programs, senior adult outreach, and church revitalization.
  • Application requirements include aligning with Methodist values and demonstrating community impact.
  • Deadlines vary by program, so check the UM Foundation website for details.

Eligibility requirements for United Methodist Foundation grants

To guarantee conformity with the aims and purposes of the United Methodist Foundation, the eligibility requirements for United Methodist grants cover a number of important factors:

  • Individuals or groups affiliated with The United Methodist Church, or churches within the church, are required to apply.
  • The social and theological tenets of The United Methodist Church must be consistent with any proposed undertakings.
  • Some of the many ministry-focused sectors that get funding include urban ministry, youth ministry, senior citizen ministry, and church renewal.
  • It is important for projects to show how they can improve their communities.
  • It is highly recommended that members of the church participate in leadership roles, as well as in planning and decision-making.
  • The United Methodist Foundation has established certain application processes and due dates that all applicants must follow.

There are some foundations such as Park Foundation grants, and Rosenberg Foundation grants are responsible for giving grants to organizations that serve the community. Go and learn more about them.

Types of United Methodist Foundation Grants

United Methodist Foundation Grants provide a wide range of financial options, such as those for food pantries, youth ministries, and local church problems related to race and ethnicity. Churches are able to meet a variety of needs and further the mission of The United Methodist Church with the help of these funds, prioritizing community impact.

The Church and Society grants

Ethnic Local Church, Human Relations Day, and Peace with Justice are three of the many ways that the Church and Society offer funding to United Methodist congregations and groups affiliated with The United Methodist Church.

Grants for food pantries 

Supporting local church food assistance programs, United Methodist Foundation grants for food pantries seek to enhance community efforts to alleviate hunger. In May, churches who host food banks or feeding programs can apply to Christy Blickensderfer for a $500 award. Churches can’t be eligible unless they run or collaborate with an IGRC feeding ministry, food bank, or pantry. In addition to basic church information, applicants should include a picture of the food aid mission, a short explanation of its neighborhood effect, and any other relevant material.

Eligibility for Grants for food pantries 

  • IGRC United Methodist Churches participating in food aid ministries.
  • Christy Blickensderfer receives application documents.
  • Food aid ministries must serve the community.

Grants for Ministries with Young People

Because dynamic, creative people and organizations occasionally need funding to start a ministry, Young People’s Ministries gives these awards from UMFC program budget. These funds encourage creative, innovative ministry for, with, and by youth. The United Methodist connection may share and reproduce these apps’ methods and patterns to generate effective ministry and discipleship possibilities with young people.

Racial Ethnic Local Church Concerns Grant

The Discipleship Ministries Racial Ethnic Local Church Grants (RELCC) provide leadership training, small groups, worship, stewardship, and spiritual formation for ethnic local churches. These awards help churches and communities create discipleship programs. Innovative discipleship, development, and transformation programs focus on Jesus Christ.

Eligibility for Racial Ethnic Local Church Concerns Grant

  • U.S.-based United Methodist church or connectional system initiative aligned with Methodist doctrine and social values.
  • Develop racial ethnic local churches
  • Refer to key Discipleship Ministries services
  • Planning and leadership by racial ethnic church members

One-time $10,000 grants include racial ethnic church members in planning and leadership.

Sam Taylor Trust Fund Grants, Texas Only

Sam Taylor Trust Fund Grants, accessible only in Texas, provide up to $15,000 for adult Christian education. Discipleship Ministries administers these subsidies to improve adult education programs across the state through conferences, seminars, consultations, and media outreach. Some projects train adults who work with kids. Projects must meet Discipleship Ministries’ goal and strategic aims of enhancing local church disciple-making processes, engaging non-Christians, and developing new ministries in Central Conferences. All applicants must guarantee their initiatives benefit Texans and are located in Texas.

Eligibility for Sam Taylor Trust Fund Grants

  • Projects must be in Texas.
  • Projects must benefit Texans.
  • Matching Discipleship Ministries’ mission and goals.
  • Projects must teach adults Christianity.
  • Grants max up at $15,000.

New Focus for Outreach Support Packages

The organization updated its New Church Outreach Support Packages to help new church congregations grow. The marketing and promotional package helps churches promote themselves with a fresh focus on community involvement. Local church professionals will help candidates choose promotional materials, training, website building, social media management, and branding services.

Looking for financial assistance for your organization, visit MetLife foundation grants and open many possibilities to serve the community.

United Methodist Foundation Grants

United Methodist Foundation grants for different ministries meet distinct congregational and community needs. These awards support effective ministry activities including urban outreach, youth empowerment, and senior adult assistance. Additionally, “United Methodist Foundation grants for evangelism” help churches improve outreach and spiritual growth among congregants and beyond.

Urban Ministry 

The United Methodist Foundation grants for urban ministry help local church programs improve outreach and community participation in metropolitan settings. These $9,500 grants enable congregations to address urban issues and difficulties. The money can support urban ministry activities including homelessness outreach, community development, and marginalized population help.

Children’s Ministry

It’s great news! The children’s ministry funding from the United Methodist Foundation will definitely have a big impact on helping young children grow and thrive. With a budget of $43,000, churches have a fantastic chance to develop creative activities for kids younger than 10. The options are limitless, ranging from character-building programs to childcare services and engaging educational activities. In addition to helping the kids at the church, these initiatives may also go out to the neighborhood and make a difference there.

Youth Ministry

Funds allocated by The United Methodist Foundation grants for youth ministry will go toward enhancing initiatives that serve students in Grades 6–12. These awards, totaling a generous $11,500, will support local church programs or related activities that specifically target and enrich the lives of teens. Grants like these make it possible to address the unique challenges and needs of today’s youth by supporting programs like youth group activities, leadership development, outreach, and counseling.

Senior Adult Ministry 

The purpose of this $4,100 award is to assist local churches and ministries that serve those 65 and above with their programs and services. This award allows churches to improve the lives of their senior members and encourage community involvement via fellowship meetings, health and wellness programs, and spiritual enrichment events.

International Work Teams 

Various types of funding are offered to churches. It might be funding to improve church technology or revitalization of existing churches. United Methodist grants for churches contribute to global effort. With this $6,600 award, local church programs or associated ministries can continue to fund labor teams overseas. International mission trips, humanitarian programs, and community development activities are all eligible for this award, helping churches make a difference in communities across the world.

Church Growth and Evangelism 

Church expansion and evangelism are two areas in which the United Methodist Foundation offers funding to congregations. Local church activities or associated ministries that aim to increase outreach and promote spiritual growth among members of the congregation and the community at large are eligible to receive this $15,000 award, focusing on church expansion and evangelism. This award provides churches with the means to organize and participate in outreach events, evangelistic campaigns, and discipleship programs that successfully reach and engage people with the gospel.

Lois Balsley Scholarship

Those who are United Methodist Youth from the Annual Conference who are planning to attend college as freshmen can apply for this award. Deserving students within the church community will have their academic endeavors supported by the award. The award offers financial aid to students so that they can fulfill their educational dreams, however only one grant per congregation is eligible.

There are great opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community offered by the NoVo Foundation. Do not miss out on navigating Novo Foundation grants if you want to learn more about the grants.

Deadline for United Methodist Foundation grants

When you apply for a grant from the United Methodist Foundation, the deadline will be different for each program and foundation. All awards from the United Methodist Foundation do not have a single application deadline. A few instances are as follows

  • A scholarship opportunity with the Florida United Methodist Foundation is available until Friday, April 26th, 2024. They have Ministry Grants as well, but you can’t find the due date information on their website.
  • The United Methodist Dollars for Scholars (UMDFS) program is one way that the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF) may help pay for college. The UMHEF scholarship application deadline for the 2023–2024 academic year was in March of 2023.
  • Ministry Grants are available through the Nebraska United Methodist Foundation, with a deadline of September 30th.

How to apply for United Methodist Foundation grants ?

The United Methodist Foundation has an easy-to-follow application procedure. Follow these six easy steps to achieve it!

Assess Qualifications

Before applying for a grant, check that your idea fits the requirements specified for that sort of award and that it contributes to the foundation’s overall objective.

Gather Required Documents

Collect all the appropriate paperwork, such as the church’s information, a description of the project, images, and any other materials specified by the grant you’ve chosen.

Fill Out the Application

Please be as specific as possible when describing your project and its expected community benefit on the grant application form.

Send in Resume

For each award, you should find a contact person or email address; by the due date, send your application together with any supporting documents.

Underwriting Evaluation

In order to determine if your application meets the foundation’s goals and eligibility requirements, it will be reviewed after submission.

Waiting for Notification

You will be notified of the application’s status and any additional actions needed after the review process is finished. If you follow these guidelines, you will be able to apply for grants from the United Methodist Foundation and get the funding you need to launch a transformative ministry in your church and neighborhood.


In order to accomplish good deeds and carry out the purpose of The United Methodist Church, United Methodist Foundation Grants are vital. These awards offer essential resources for addressing varied community needs and promoting spiritual growth through a variety of grant programs, including those for ministries like urban outreach, youth empowerment, and church expansion.

The funds play a crucial role in the church’s purpose of serving mankind and reflecting Christ’s love by funding activities that are in line with the United Methodist ideals of compassion, justice, and transformational service. To further service and share God’s love with people in need, Grants from the United Methodist Foundation are very meaningful.

If you are interested in knowing more about foundation grants, then please visit our page Grants Buddy at

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get more information about the United Methodist Foundation grant application process?

If you want any clarification regarding the application procedure, eligibility requirements, or deadlines, please contact the specified individual or email address that was given for each award program. You can count on their cheerful assistance.

What is the best way to be informed about the United Methodist Foundation’s forthcoming grant opportunities?

When the foundation announces new award programs and when applications are due, you may find out all the details by visiting their website or signing up for their newsletter.

Are United Methodist Foundation funds exclusively available to churches or may individuals apply?

The majority of grants are intended for churches and organizations associated with them, while some may be available to people within the church community as well. For confirmation, check the qualifying criteria of individual award programs.

Can a church only apply for so many funds through the United Methodist Foundation?

There is usually some leeway in determining how many grants a church may request. Be certain that each application fits in with the foundation’s purpose and aims; quality, not number, is what matters most.

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