How To Get The Pittsburgh Foundation Grants Allegheny County nonprofits

Rosi Melonica

The Pittsburgh Foundation Grants Allegheny County nonprofits

How To Get Grants from The Pittsburgh Foundation Grants – Funds from The Pittsburgh Foundation Grant go to Allegheny County nonprofits, with an emphasis on those that help underserved populations. Those looking to apply must either be public charities with IRS designation 501(c)(3) or employ a fiscal sponsor. There are two distinct kinds of financing available through the Pittsburgh Foundation Grant project/program support and general operating support.

For one year, the amount of a Pittsburgh Foundation Grant can be $10,000 to $75,000, for two years, it can go up to $150,000. An organization’s ability to represent its community and work toward racial justice should be considered before receiving funding. On average, it takes three months for the Foundation to assess applications sent through their web portal. If you want to know more about the Pittsburgh Foundation Grant, check the official website here.

Key Takeaways

  • Funding for social justice, racial equity, and underserved communities in Allegheny County.
  • Grants support project costs and general operations (up to $150,000 for two years).
  • Prioritizes nonprofits with strong community ties and measurable impact.
  • Two application cycles: deadlines in February and July.

What are the benefits of the Pittsburgh Foundation Grant?

The Pittsburgh Foundation Grant provides a plethora of advantages to charitable groups. To begin with, it offers much-needed funding, with awards going as high as $150,000 for two-year programs and $10,000 to $75,000 for one-year projects. With this money, organizations may do what they need to do, whether that’s focusing on specific projects or covering regular operational expenditures.

Also, in order to make sure that money is going to groups that do good and are fair, The Pittsburgh Foundation Grant gives preference to those who help underprivileged people and fight for racial fairness. Similarly, The Pittsburgh Foundation Grant gives priority to community-based groups who have already demonstrated an ability to have a positive impact.

Through an online portal, grantees may apply and monitor the progress of their applications more easily. The status and acknowledgment that come with being funded by the Pittsburgh Foundation is an added bonus for successful candidates. This recognition and prestige can open doors to other funding possibilities and partnerships.

You can learn more about related foundation grants such as thek Oscar Grant Foundation, and Musk Foundation and grab your possibilities to get financial assistance.

Priority areas of Pittsburgh Foundation Grant

The Pittsburgh Foundation Grant focuses on some crucial areas. These are

Basic Needs

Grassroots groups and resident-informed programs that help families achieve their fundamental needs are the main priorities of the Pittsburgh Foundation. To achieve these goals, we must employ tactics such as lobbying, community organizing, and initiatives for systemic change

Equity and Social Justice

In keeping with its mission to promote social and economic justice, the Foundation works to eliminate economic and racial disparities via increasing public engagement, strengthening local organizations, and influencing policymakers. It backs programs that work to improve public health, education, housing, and criminal justice by giving a stronger voice to underrepresented groups and destroying systematic inequalities.

Arts and Culture

The mission of the Foundation is to promote a varied and equitable arts environment by assisting individual artists and small-to-mid-sized arts organizations. All over the arts sector, there are financing initiatives that aim to elevate perspectives, promote cultural interchange, and ensure fair funding.

Economic Mobility

Funding for programs that help people of color get degrees, succeed in their careers, start their own businesses, and buy a house is a priority for the Foundation’s efforts to close the racial wealth gap.

Environmental Action

The Foundation’s programs prioritize environmental justice by bringing communities into environmental decision-making, advancing energy transition efforts, and promoting fair access to land, water, and air. Its goals include mitigating the effects of climate change on socioeconomic disparities and health and bolstering community resilience.

Eligibility criteria for Pittsburgh Foundation Grant

The Pittsburgh Foundation has set some criteria, you must stand up on them to get monetary assistance from the Pittsburgh Foundation.


Unless otherwise stated, nonprofits must be in Allegheny County or serve its population.

Designation 501(3)

Organizations must be IRS-designated 501(c)(3) public charities. Without this designation, organizations can use a fiscal sponsor.


Organizations not listed in Internal Revenue Code Section 170(b)(1)(A), private non-operating foundations, or disqualified supporting organizations under Section 4966(d)(4) do not receive Foundation grants.


Organizations that represent their communities, purposefully assist BIPOC populations, address race intersections with other marginalized groups, and achieve racial justice get funding.


The Foundation does not sponsor organizational start-ups, statewide or national groups without local presence, candidate advocacy, yearly appeals, or one-time programs/events. The program does not finance people (excluding artists), organizational debt, or educational scholarships.

If you are looking for monetary aid, check the foundation grant, The Parker Foundation Grants, and get opportunities.

Examples of Pittsburgh Foundation Grant recipients

Here are some examples of Pittsburgh Foundation Grant

Pittsburgh Symphony Inc.

The Pittsburgh Foundation awarded $25,000 to Pittsburgh Symphony Inc. in 2022 to bolster the organization’s initiatives in the fields of arts, culture, and humanities. The symphony uses this award to further its goal of enriching Pittsburgh’s cultural environment via educational activities and high-quality musical concerts.

Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh

In 2022, the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh received a grant of $25,000 to facilitate their endeavors related to the arts, culture, and humanities. This support allows them to continue hosting a wide variety of exhibitions and educational programs, which in turn encourages community participation and accessibility.

Center for Civic Arts

With a grant of $25,000 in 2022, the Center for Civic Arts was able to expand its Arts, Culture, and Humanities programs. The organization is able to keep encouraging artistic expression and cultural participation in local communities with the help of this sponsorship.

UPMC Hillman Cancer Center

In recognition of their work in medical disciplines research, UPMC Hillman Cancer Center received a $25,000 award in 2022. Improving patient outcomes and expanding medical knowledge are the goals of the innovative cancer therapy studies that have received this funding.

ALS Association Western Pennsylvania Chapter

With the help of a $25,000 grant, the ALS Association Western Pennsylvania Chapter was able to continue its important work in the field of disease, disorders, and medical disciplines in 2022. Care and services for those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and continuing research are both supported by this funding.

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank

In 2022, the food programs of the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank were bolstered by a donation of $25,000. Families and individuals in the area who are struggling to put food on the table will be better able to do so thanks to this award.

Grow Pittsburgh

Grow Pittsburgh received a grant of $25,000 in 2022 to bolster their efforts in the fields of agriculture, nutrition, and food. With the support of this award, community gardening and sustainable agricultural initiatives may flourish, leading to better food security and more responsible environmental practices in the area.

United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania

One of the several awards that the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania earned in 2022 was $25,000, among other sums, to bolster their Human Services initiatives. Health, education, and economic security are some of the most pressing neighborhood needs that this money may help with.

Gateway Rehabilitation Center

Gateway Rehabilitation Center received a grant of $25,000 in 2022 to bolster its crisis intervention and mental health programs. Comprehensive addiction treatment and mental health care may be more easily provided to those in need thanks to this award.

Oakland Catholic High School

In 2022, the Education programs at Oakland Catholic High School were supported by a grant of $25,000. Encouraging academic success and personal growth, this money helps to improve educational opportunities and resources for students.

LV Rams Youth Football Association

With a budget of $24,560, the LV Rams Youth Football Association was able to fund their athletic, recreational, and sports initiatives in 2022. This support ensures that more kids may participate in organized sports, which are great for their health and teamwork.

FAME, Fund for Advancement of Minorities Through Education

A total of $24,127 was allocated in 2022 to the Student Services program by the Fund for Advancement of Minorities Through Education (FAME). The goal of this award is to increase educational opportunity and equity by supporting minority students via the provision of scholarships and other educational resources.

American Cancer Society

In 2022, the American Cancer Society received $20,203 to bolster their efforts in the field of Disease, Disorders, and Medical Disciplines. Cancer advocacy, patient assistance, and research all benefit from this gift.

Rodef Shalom Congregation

In 2022, the Religion-Related initiatives of Rodef Shalom Congregation were funded with $20,203. Congregants and the surrounding community benefit from spiritual advice, community services, and educational initiatives made possible by these funds.

If you want to know more grantees, check the page

How to apply for Pittsburgh Foundation grants ?

There are six steps, you need to follow them in order to get the funds from the Pittsburgh Foundation

Look into Grant Possibilities

To be sure the Foundation’s grant options are a good fit for your group, you should check their website.

Establish a Company Profile

Create a unified profile for your group in the grant application system. Make sure you provide all necessary facts, including contact information, EIN, and senior leadership.

Submission of the Application

Submit your grant application using the designated web site. Make sure you’ve included all the necessary paperwork and details.

Verify the Current Stand of Your Application

Through the site, representatives may see what awards are available, change their contact information, and monitor the progress of their application.

Disseminate Updates

Get in touch with your program officer right away if you need to make changes to your project’s timeframe or budget after you’ve submitted your application. They can offer options like no-cost extensions or budget tweaks.

Maintain Contact

Following submission, the Program and Policy Committee makes choices after the Foundation’s program officers perform due diligence studies. Organizational profiles include guidelines on how to submit intermediate and final reports, and grantees get appropriate notifications.

How to write a winning proposal for the Pittsburgh Foundation Grant ?

You can follow the below-mentioned steps in order to increase your chances

Learn the Requirements for Grants

To make sure the grant fits in with your organization’s goals, you should read the requirements and guidelines carefully. Modify your plan so it meets the Foundation’s stated goals.

Make Requirements Plain

Specify what issue or need your initiative intends to solve. Show the importance and urgency of the problem using convincing proof, such statistics or testimonies from the community.

Clearly Define Your Objectives

Make sure that your project’s aims and purposes are defined. To show how your planned actions will help the Foundation achieve its goals, you must first define those goals in detail and then quantify them.

Showcase Your Abilities and Knowledge

Bring attention to your company’s experience, knowledge, and ability to carry out the job as planned. Highlight your relevant experience, accomplishments, and collaborations to establish your credibility and demonstrate your ability to produce outcomes.

Master the Art of Storytelling

Craft an engaging story that explains the project’s goals, methodology, and expected results. Get reviewers interested in your proposal and show them why it’s important by using compelling language, narrative tactics, and specific examples.

You can also check out Idaho Community Foundation Grants that offer a number of benefits.

Pittsburgh Foundation grant deadlines

Spring Grant Cycle

Applications must be submitted by Monday, Feb. 26, 2024, at 5 p.m. Grants decisions for this cycle will be made by June 6.

Fall Grant Cycle

Applications are due by Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 5 p.m. Grant decisions for this cycle will be made by Oct 30.

Pittsburgh Foundation contact information for grants

For inquiries and assistance regarding grants, you can contact The Pittsburgh Foundation at:


Five PPG Place, Suite 250, Pittsburgh, PA 15222




[email protected]

Grants Manager

Emily Rousseau, [email protected]

For additional support, visit the Grant FAQs page or reach out to your assigned program officer directly.


Grants from the Pittsburgh Foundation are a lifeline for Allegheny County nonprofits, especially those fighting for racial justice and helping underprivileged populations. As a result of the grant’s adaptable funding, organizations are able to tackle urgent needs and make a significant difference. Pittsburgh Foundation Grants dedication to social justice and fairness, along with its simplified application procedure, guarantees that funds are allocated to fair and effective projects. A great resource for groups working to make a difference, the Pittsburgh Foundation Grant has transparent requirements and prioritizes community involvement. If you are interested in knowing more about foundation grants, then please visit our page Grants Buddy at 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Pittsburgh Foundation Grants?

Pittsburgh Foundation Grants assist Allegheny County nonprofits that help marginalized populations and promote racial justice. From $10,000 to $75,000 for one-year projects and up to $150,000 for two-year ones, grants cover project-specific or general operational expenditures.

Can I get a grant from the Pittsburgh Foundation

Allegheny County-based 501(c)(3) nonprofits or fiscal sponsors can apply. Organizations that serve their communities, promote racial fairness, and have a track record top the list.

Can individuals apply for Pittsburgh Foundation grants

Most Pittsburgh Foundation funds are not available to individuals, excluding artists. The foundation mostly helps nonprofits and does not fund people, organizational debt, or educational scholarships.

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