Lutheran Foundation Grants Funding

Rosi Melonica

Lutheran Foundation Grants Funding

How To Get Grant from Lutheran Foundation Grants – Mental wellness is essential for total health. It builds resilience, decreases stigma, and increases community support. Prioritizing mental health improves life and community. Indiana residents were facing challenges with mental illness stigma and poor services. Thanks to Lutheran Foundation Grants for  supporting mental health awareness, education, and essential resources are some of the ways that benefit Indiana residents. With an investment of nearly $194 million, the Foundation improves the quality of life, lessens stigma, and promotes community wellness, making a positive and enduring difference.

If you are looking for grants for your organization, then you can find a great deal from Kaplan Foundation Grants, and Future Foundations Grants NM.

What are Lutheran Foundation Grants?

The Lutheran Foundation supports Lutheran and community groups that encourage Gospel sharing and mental wellness to reduce mental disease stigma. Over $194 million in grants and philanthropic investments from the Lutheran Foundation since 1995. A Christ-centered ministry of northeast Indiana Lutheran churches, the Lutheran Foundation promotes, improves, and enhances the quality of life of the individuals, families, congregations, and communities it serves.

Delegates from member churches elect devoted volunteers to the Lutheran Foundation’s Board of Directors. Chaired by Charles Pratt, the board, which includes Vice Chair Cheryl Erickson, Secretary Scott Miller, and Treasurer Jon Niemeyer, makes all grant choices. The board, which includes members of Fort Wayne Lutheran congregations, serves the community, guides the foundation’s goals, and supports local activities.

The Lutheran Foundation, Inc. presents June 30, 2022, and 2021 Statements of Financial Position. The foundation’s assets rose to $274,974,909 in 2022 from $249,838,428 in 2021. Cash, investments, and property are important. Grant and account payable liabilities total $29,653,283. Unrestricted and donor-restricted net assets total $220,185,145. Strong fiscal condition, smart management, and mission devotion are evident in these financial accounts.

If you want to know more information, you can visit the official website of the Lutheran Foundation at:

Lutheran Foundation Grants’s Focus Area

Advocacy of Mental Health Awareness 

The Lutheran Foundation supports northern Indiana mental health and wellness. The foundation’s members want to enable spouses to recover spiritually, mentally, and physically. By funding like-minded groups and promoting services, the foundation has become a leading mental health advocate. The most vulnerable mental health patients have a major service gap.

Advocacy of Education 

As a community advocate, The Lutheran Foundation intentionally starts religious community mental wellness discussions. The foundation is uniquely qualified to soothe and help mental health patients as the body of Christ. First, we must overcome the stigma that prevents individuals from seeking treatment.

Advocacy of Resources 

After learning about the overwhelming number of northeast Indiana residents with mental, emotional, and behavioral health challenges in 2016, the world had no option. Do something. The Lutheran Foundation launched, a one-stop place for mental health resources, in addition to investing in churches, schools, and organizations that share its purpose to enhance community health. If you’re struggling or know someone who is, go there. It inspires hope and helps the needy.

Advocacy of Register an Advocate

The prevalence of mental illness is startling. Like many health issues, they are physiological and curable. Despite this, stigma forces many to suffer in silence. Churches, schools, and ministry groups may help restore Lutheran Foundation Grant community mental health. If you want to know more information in a detailed way, you can just visit

Eligibility for Lutheran Foundation Grants

There are few standards to meet for a grant from TLF, such as

  • TLF exclusively accepts applications from organizations in northeast Indiana’s 10 counties (Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wabash, Wells, and Whitley).
  • TLF prioritizes groups that show Christ’s love in their actions and words.
  • TLF focuses on spiritual, emotional, and physical health and wellness, but we acknowledge that many activities and projects may benefit northeast Indiana residents. Thus, the Board may offer community-beneficial grants.
  • TLF accepts submissions but does not prioritize capital financing. We may reject maintenance and repair requests.
  • TLF does not accept applications for finished projects, deficit finance, or fundraising event expenditures.
  • A fund or individual grant application will not be considered by TLF.
  • TLF neither funds nor promotes life-destroying medical treatments.

If you want to apply and you see you are fit to get a grant from the Lutheran Foundation Grants, you can visit the foundation’s Grant portal at:  and follow the guidelines of the application process.

The Harpo Foundation Grants are also available, do not miss if you are looking for exclusive possibilities for your organization.

Lutheran Foundation’s Types of Grants

Lutheran Grants

The Lutheran Foundation thinks churches should offer whole-person healing and hope. The foundation provides Lutheran Grants to northeast Indiana Lutheran churches, schools, and ministries that promote spiritual, mental, and physical well-being and community strength. A grant application must be $1,500.

TLF emphasizes bids under 50% of total cost and limits them to one project. Matching capital requests up to $300,000. Guidelines include conference, community dinner, mission trip, National Youth Gathering, staff positions, technology, Vacation Bible School, and car funds. Vehicle applications and pass-through money aren’t eligible. For clarification, contact Terri Kortokrax, Chief Program Officer, or the grant team.

If you want to know more about the Lutheran Grants; it eligibility and the application process, you can visit

Community Grants

Northeast Indiana community organizations can apply for a Community Grant to promote whole-person health, mental wellbeing, and mental illness stigma reduction. The grant request must fit a target area. A $5,000 grant application is required.

Application eligibility requires a $5,000 minimum request and a 20% project cost cap. One grant application per fiscal year is accepted. Without a local office, organizations outside the 10-county service zone can’t receive operational assistance. Applications must be 501(c)(3), and late grant reports fail. No late submissions. Contact grant staff at (260) 458-2112 for assistance.

If you are interested in knowing more information on Community grants of the Lutheran Foundation, you can visit and learn about the eligibility criteria, application process, and deadline for application.

Grantee of Lutheran Foundation Grants

Visiting Nurse & Hospice Home acquired land

In 2000, The Lutheran Foundation gave Visiting Nurse a grant that accelerated our effort to create Northeast Indiana’s only free-standing, community-based inpatient hospice center. TLF granted Visiting Nurse & Hospice Home $50,000 to buy land on Homestead Road and build their current facility. The $100,000 award helped SCAN (Stop Child Abuse and Neglect) move to Main Street.

2019 – New Rescue Mission

The Fort Wayne Rescue Mission’s City on a Hill Campaign generated almost $20 million for a new rescue mission, including $1.5 million from the Lutheran Foundation.

TLF joined other groups, foundations, community leaders, and people in supporting the May 2020 rescue mission. The new Rescue Mission is four times larger than the old one and offers 325 beds, 300 meal seats, a medical clinic with mental health and addiction rehabilitation, community resources, and other social services. The Rescue Mission created a lasting community investment. With this new facility, we can continue to give our community hope, said Rescue Mission CEO and President Donovan Coley.

Mental Health Needs Assessment.

In 2017, a community Mental Health Needs Assessment revealed an urgent need for mental health services from the Lutheran Foundation (TLF). Using $50,000 for mental health services, TLF approved a $250,000 operating grant with valued partner Matthew 25 Health and Dental Clinic. With this relationship, Matthew 25 improved its treatment paradigm and provided immediate support to new depression and suicidal ideation patients. Food, transportation, medication, and mental health were funded. TLF continually improves patients’ lives via critical partnership, demonstrating its commitment to well-being.

SpeakUp Conference

The Lutheran Foundation (TLF) launched the SpeakUp Conference in 2017 to promote faith-based mental health awareness. Over 500 people attended this day-long event where national experts discussed the church’s role in mental health conversations and stigma reduction. Continuing this success, TLF held the LookUp Faith Conference in 2019, gathering approximately 750 people. This event educated and provided resources for congregations starting mental health ministry. TLF helps religious communities have open talks about mental health, enabling the church to offer support, comfort, and hope to persons with mental health issues.

Hope and Recovery Team (HART)

The Lutheran Foundation helped create the Hope and Recovery Team (HART), a revolutionary drug recovery project, in 2019. As the fiscal agent for a $1.35 million Indiana Department of Family and Social Services grant, TLF helped Fort Wayne Police, Parkview Behavioral Health, Lutheran Social Services, and other community groups collaborate. Plain-clothed police and a Parkview peer recovery counselor visited drug overdose victims’ homes within 72 hours to provide support and treatment referrals. Over 325 non-fatal overdose reactions and over 2,000 recovery coach follow-ups made HART a success in its first year.

Indiana University School of Medicine – Fort Wayne

The Lutheran Foundation (TLF) gave $2 million to Indiana University School of Medicine – Fort Wayne in 2002 to advance public health. This money enabled the Northern Indiana Cardiovascular Research and Education Center to hire a prominent scientist, researchers, technicians, and vital equipment. Understanding the importance of this relationship, TLF provided an additional $1 million grant in 2005 to fund a Senior Professorship of Cardiovascular Research. TLF was the first regional foundation to establish a teaching seat at Fort Wayne IUSM, setting a good precedent for healthcare philanthropy.

Aboite Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Camp Lutherhaven in Albion, Clear Lake Lutheran Church in Fremont, and others received 2022-2023 funds. The 85 HOPE Free Medical Clinic in Wabash, Allen Circuit Problem Solving Court in Fort Wayne, Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana, and Easter Seals Arc in Fort Wayne received community funds. These grants benefit Concordia Lutheran High School, Bring It-Push It-Own It, and The Center for Whitley County Youth. Grants promote good change and meet community needs in several areas in the region.

To learn more about the grantees of the Lutheran Foundation Grants, you can visit

Deadline of The Lutheran Foundation

It depends on the organization types

For Lutheran Congregation the application cycle are 

  1. (deadline date March 1, noon; application Review March 1 to May 15; decision made by May 31; Email will be sent by June 10)
  2. (deadline date June 1, noon; application Review June 1 to August 15; decision made by August 31; Email will be sent by September 10)
  3. (deadline date September 1, noon; application Review- September 1 to December 1; decision made by December 15; Email will be sent by December 20)

For Lutheran School

  1. (deadline date March 1, noon; application Review March 1 to May 15; decision made by May 31; Email will be sent by June 10)
  2. (deadline date September 1, noon; application Review- September 1 to December 1; decision made by December 15; Email will be sent by December 20)

For Lutheran School Support

  1. (deadline date March 1, noon; application Review March 1 to May 15; decision made by June 10; Email will be sent by June 15)

For Lutheran Ministry

  1. (deadline date September 1, noon; application Review- September 1 to December 1; decision made by December 15; Email will be sent by December 20)

All grant applications must be submitted by the specified date in order to be evaluated.

The deadline for the grant is pushed back to noon on the next business day in the event that it falls on a holiday or weekend.

Community Grants By Lutheran Foundation

For community 

  1. (deadline date April 1, noon; application Review- April 1 to June 15; decision made by June 30; Email will be sent by July 10)

All grant applications must be submitted by the specified date in order to be evaluated.

The deadline for the grant is pushed back to noon on the next business day in the event that it falls on a holiday or weekend.

Contacts of The Lutheran Foundation

There are few ways of getting in touch with the Lutheran Foundation

The address: 3024 Fairfield Avenue in Fort Wayne, Indiana 46807.

Contact information: (260) 458-2112, (800) 677-2451 (toll free), and (260) 458-3069 (fax).

Email info: [email protected].

Office hours are Monday to Friday and the time is between 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

If you are searching for monetary assistance for your organization, check your eligibility for Kellogg Foundation Grants, and grab your profitability.


Since 1995, the Lutheran Foundation has invested $194 million on mental health awareness, education, and services in northeast Indiana, transforming it. Through funding, it strengthens Lutheran and community groups for holistic health. The Lutheran Foundation improves lives and builds resilience by tackling mental health stigma, sponsoring critical programs, and supporting numerous organizations.

If you are interested in knowing more about grants from foundation grants, then you can visit our page grantsbuddy. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are Lutheran Foundation Grants? 

Lutheran Foundation Grants help people in northeast Indiana learn about mental health and find tools to help them. Since 1995, they’ve spent almost $194 million to improve lives, lower shame, and promote community health.

What is the focus of Lutheran Foundation Grants?

The focus areas of the Lutheran Foundation Grants are promoting mental health education and resources in northeast Indiana. They assist spiritual, mental, and physical well-being groups to reduce mental health stigma.

How can My organization apply for Lutheran Foundation Grants?

Your organization must be in northeast Indiana and is eligible to use the foundation’s Grant Portal to apply for funds. You should look over the requirements for qualifying and follow the instructions for applying on the website.

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