Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants

Rosi Melonica

Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants

How To Get Grants from Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants –  A shelter protects against the elements and ensures physical safety. It provides sanctuary, warmth, and stability, which are essential for well-being and resilience. Without shelter, individuals confront harsh weather, safety risks, and emotional discomfort. Without these necessities, their health and resiliency suffer. Society benefits from Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants assist groups that fight homelessness, promote self-sufficiency, and improve communities. 

There are many foundations you can seek for monetary help for your organization such as Quest Foundation Grant, and Fluor Foundation Grant. Do miss your chance to get great deals. 

What are Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants?

Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants help homeless and basic needs NGOs. To assist impoverished communities, Liberty Mutual Insurance provides grants. The foundation’s goal with its potential grantees is to use Liberty Mutual Insurance and its employees’ experience, leadership, and financial power to help the most disadvantaged neighbors. Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants support NGOs that assist families and people in overcoming obstacles.

Liberty Mutual helps individuals enjoy today and boldly pursue tomorrow.  The foundation vows to safeguard the global customers against the unexpected with care. Liberty Mutual Foundation Inc.’s $53,067,139 assets show its altruism. The charity gives impactfully, averaging $37,297 and medianing $10,000, having donated $47,448,394. Its leaders, Chairman Timothy M Sweeney and President Melissa M Macdonnell, aim to improve communities.

For more information on Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants, you can visit the official website of the foundation at:  

Focus Area of Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants

The Liberty Mutual Foundation Basic Services Initiative aims to strengthen social service networks and safety nets in Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants regions. Liberty Mutual Foundation recognizes that a continuum of services is the best way to combat homelessness, but it wants to help the city’s homeless-serving network meet the most basic needs of homeless people. Therefore, the Liberty Mutual Foundation will sponsor activities that provide:

  • A safe place to stay for people of all ages, whether they are young or old; this should include both permanent and temporary housing options; and it should prioritize providing shelter in conjunction with other social services, such as case management.
  • Food and meals for the homeless and low-income, with a focus on nutrition and health.
  • Medical treatment and healthcare for individuals without homes.
  • Other urgent, fundamental requirements, such as apparel, personal cleanliness, etc.

Funding Availability and Grant Size

There has been no prior determination of the budget for this endeavor. Rather, the quantity, quality, and kind of bids received will determine the amount of financing. A yearly payout of around $30,000 has been typical in previous RFP rounds. Given the rising needs of Liberty Mutual Foundation’s community, the Foundation may explore bigger expenditures in the 2022-23 cycle.

The corporate sponsor provides $15,000 to $50,000 grants to qualified groups in Boston, MA, Dallas, TX, and Seattle, WA for special population employment training and apprenticeships. Candidates must be IRS-recognized non-profits with 501(c)(3) status. This sponsorship effort shows the company’s dedication to job training and apprenticeships in specific places to empower and uplift vulnerable populations. Nonprofits that satisfy the requirements should apply to promote inclusive employment and skill development in these communities.

If you are looking for more opportunities for your organization, you can check Honeywell Foundation Grants.

Eligibility for Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants

  • Organizations who aim to offer basic necessities to individuals, families, or youths suffering or in danger of homelessness will receive funds from the Liberty Mutual Foundation through this program.
  • Groups that assist locals in the areas where Liberty Mutual Foundation has a long history of providing financial support. (About 60% of everyone getting services from organizations based in or around Boston should actually live there.)
  • Organizations that are now eligible for tax-exempt status (501(c)(3)) 
  • The  Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants will also look into any discretionary, general operating, Education Initiative, or Youth Homelessness RFP grants that your organization may have received in the last 12 months. 

You are free to reapply for the 2020-21 Basic Services RFP if you were funded for that year. To find out if your organization is eligible to apply for a Youth Homelessness RFP grant, please contact us at  

Application of Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants

Here are a few steps related to selection and giving a grant to an organization by the Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants. 

  • Importance: Make sure the goal and purpose are in compliance with the RFP rules.
  • Evaluation of the Program and Its Intended Recipients: Present empirical evidence of the program’s positive impact on persons experiencing homelessness or low income.
  • Organizational Capacity: Priority will be given to groups who have already demonstrated their ability to assist those experiencing homelessness.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Display a spending plan that demonstrates the effective use of resources.
  • Previous Results: Give preference to candidates who have successfully provided essential services to marginalized communities.
  • Innovation & Impact: Prioritize creative and cooperative methods with other community and nonprofit groups to maximize impact and innovation.
  • Accessibility: Priority is given to plans that aim to increase the participation of individuals with disabilities in community projects related to accessibility.
  • Reporting Requirements: Grantees are obligated to report on their progress, results, difficulties, and any unexpected insights in both the intermediate and final reports. Validation of Metrics Submitting a report after the announcement is also required.
  • Funding Decisions: Each and every funding choice is subject to the exclusive discretion of the Liberty Mutual Foundation. It is highly recommended that applicants who are reapplying from a prior cycle complete the Year Two impact reports.

Contact Details of Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants

Here are few means of getting in touch with the Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants: 

EIN: 141893520

Phone: 617-357-9500

Address: 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116


If your organization is responsible for serving families in need then do not forget to have many possibilities from the Clif Family Foundation Grant.

Grantees of Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants

Energy Allies

Energy Allies, a Boston and New York energy justice group, received a groundbreaking $100,000 Liberty Mutual Foundation award. Energy Allies, which empowers climate-affected communities, envisions vibrant, resilient homes driven by renewable energy. This award supports their revolutionary Community Advisory Board (CAB) concept, which ensures community-led solar projects meet local requirements. Energy Allies’ Board Chair Sara Chandler said the award accelerates self-reliant communities and community-led renewable energy growth. This investment, which shows Liberty Mutual’s commitment to fair access, helps Energy Allies construct inclusive renewable energy solutions, bolstering their critical mission.

Massachusetts Association  for the Blind and Visually Impaired (MABVI) 

Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (MABVI) received a $50,000 grant from Liberty Mutual Foundation to support programs for older persons with visual difficulties in Greater Boston. One of MABVI’s top institutional partners, Liberty Mutual Foundation has donated over $236,000 over nine years.

Action for Boston Community Development

Action for Boston Community Development offers homeless kids and young adults case management, emergency funds, and career development. The Liberty Mutual award was $300,000.

Boston CASA

Boston CASA provides community volunteers chosen by Suffolk and Middlesex County juvenile court judges as Guardians ad Litem to advocate for foster children and teens. The Liberty Mutual award was $240,000.

Boston Health Care for the Homeless

Boston Health treatment for the Homeless Program provides unaccompanied homeless kids with medical and mental health treatment in nontraditional settings. Liberty Mutual grants $450,000.

Breaktime Cafe

By providing transitional jobs, Breaktime Cafe helps homeless teenagers and young adults get their careers off the ground and gives them the tools they need to become self-sufficient. One of the grants was $50,000 from Liberty Mutual.

Bridge Over Troubled

The creative and successful programs provided by Bridge Over Troubled Waters assist at-risk, homeless, and runaway adolescents in becoming self-sufficient, which in turn allows them to make positive changes in their lives and create futures that matter. There was a $150,000 donation from Liberty Mutual.

Cambridge Family and Children’s Services

The Liberty Mutual Foundation helped the Cambridge Family and Children’s Services by giving a $255,000 grant award. Helping people of all ages and stages of life find and keep loving relationships that last a lifetime and reach their full potential is the mission of Cambridge Family and Children’s Services. 

Fenway Community Health Center

There was a $300,000 donation from Liberty Mutual to Fenway Community Health Center. Through providing LGBTQIA+ and all individuals with access to top-notch healthcare, education, research, and advocacy, Fenway Community Health Center strives to improve the quality of life for everyone. 

Friends of Youth Opportunity Boston

Another grant was made by the Liberty Mutual Foundation to Friends of Youth Opportunity Boston of $240,000. Employers, service providers for both employment and homelessness and young adults are all part of Friends of Youth Opportunity Boston’s mission to enhance employment outcomes for young people by doing actionable research on the topic of adolescent homelessness and its impact on the job market. 

The Home for Little Wanderers

There was a $150,000 donation from Liberty Mutual to The Home for Little Wanderers. When it comes to finding permanent homes and reestablishing severed ties with caring people, the Home for Little Wanderers’ helps Boston kids and young adults who have been through intense foster care and are aging out of the system. 

HopeWell’s My First Place

For Boston adolescents who have transitioned out of foster care, HopeWell’s My First Place offers safe housing, educational opportunities, and job placement assistance to help them become self-sufficient. There was a $300,000 donation from Liberty Mutual Foundation to HopeWell’s My First Place.

The Irish International Immigration Center 

The liberty Foundation granted $375,000 to The Irish International Immigration Center. Boston Public School students who are immigrants and are experiencing homelessness can get free legal consultations and representation from the Irish International Immigration Center. The center also trains educators and community organization workers to better assist immigrant youth.

Justice Resource Institute Health

To help adolescents graduate from high school and thrive as adults, Justice Resource Institute Health and YouthHarbors offer rental subsidies, assistance, secure housing, in-school advocacy, and classes in independent living skills. As a donation, Liberty Mutual contributed $375,000.

Madison Park Development Corporation

The Madison Park Development Corporation addresses the needs of young people in high-need communities including Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan by providing them with employment training, HiSET education, mental health assistance, and mentorship opportunities. Madison Park Development Corporation received a grant of $150,000 from Liberty Mutual.

Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless

For the purpose of providing unaccompanied and unstably housed kids with timely help and resources to improve housing, assure the continuity of schooling, and promote overall well-being, the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless collaborates with Charlestown and English High Schools. The Liberty Mutual Foundation contributed a donation of fifty thousand dollars.

More than Words

Liberty Mutual contributed a donation in the amount of $450,000 to the More Than Words program. Taking leadership of a company is one of the ways that More than Words helps young adults who are involved with the court system, homeless, in the foster care system, or who are not attending school to take command of their life. 

Silver Lining Mentoring

By offering the support and services that are most suitable for each individual throughout a long-term relationship, Silver Lining Mentoring can harness the power of positive connections in order to foster a feeling of belonging and self-esteem in young people. For $375,000, Liberty Mutual donated a donation to the Silver Lining Mentoring.

Smart from the Start

When it comes to early children who are living in homes and communities with the lowest incomes, Smart from the Start helps prevent the academic success gap that exists between them. In the amount of $90,000, Liberty Mutual donated to this project of the Smart from The Start.

University of Massachusetts Foundation U-ACCESS

Boston nonprofits, the City of Boston, and other universities like Roxbury Community College and Bunker Hill Community College are working together with U-ACCESS, the UMass Foundation, to create a progressive transitional housing program that will help students, especially those who are at risk, find a place to call home. There was a $300,000 donation from Liberty Mutual.

Y2Y Network

Through the use of a youth-to-youth model, Y2Y Network creates a supportive space for homeless youth where they can work with other homeless youth, service providers, and student volunteers to build skills for long-term success and create sustainable pathways out of homelessness. Liberty Mutual contributed $75,000 for the project.


Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants help organizations meet community needs. The foundation’s rigorous grant application process promotes creativity, responsibility, and teamwork to make a difference for Boston’s and beyond’s disadvantaged. Under Chairman Timothy M Sweeney and President Melissa M Macdonnell, the foundation’s strategic efforts on homelessness strive to make a difference. Liberty Mutual Foundation has funded Energy Allies, MABVI, and Boston Health Care for the Homeless, promoting self-sufficiency and community-led solutions. 

If you want to know more information about Foundation Grants, you can visit our grantsbuddy.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Liberty Mutual Foundation?

Liberty Mutual Foundation funds nonprofits that fight homelessness, basic necessities, and community betterment. To help impoverished areas, the charity uses Liberty Mutual Insurance resources.

What areas do Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants focus on?

Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants generally help homeless individuals and families with housing, food, healthcare, and other necessary services. The foundation promotes self-sufficiency and community-led solutions by strengthening social service networks and safety nets in its territories.

How can my organization apply for Liberty Mutual Foundation Grants?

If your organization is one of the eligible organizations working on homelessness or basic needs then it can apply for grants. Your organization must demonstrate its ability to assist those in need, present innovative solutions, and comply with the application process outlined on the foundation’s official website.

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