Mardag Foundation Grants

Rosi Melonica

Mardag Foundation Grants

How To Get Grants from Mardag Foundation – Through smart donations, the Mardag Foundation has invested in the lives of those who most need it for 50 years, serving as an inspiration of hope and support for Minnesota communities. Their support, which is motivated by a dedication to equality and diversity, enables organizations to take on important issues and promote better futures for kids, young people, families, and senior citizens. Proceed further to know everything about Mardag Foundation Grants.

Impact Pillars of Mardag Foundation

  • Investing in Young Minds

 Mardag gives top priority to programs that remove obstacles for kids, teenagers, and families. They back initiatives that foster early childhood development, offer essential instruction and support services, and create pathways to life-enriching opportunities.

  • Promoting Age-Friendly Communities

Mardag supports organizations that help senior citizens age independently and with dignity since it understands the difficulties they encounter. Their funding powers senior programs, provides essential transportation, and strengthens ties among the community.

  • Igniting Creativity and Cultural Vibrancy

Mardag supports arts groups because they understand that the humanities and arts are essential components of a vibrant community. Their assistance encourages the expression of the arts, advances intercultural understanding, and builds rich, dynamic communities.

Important Features of Mardag Grants

  • Open Doors for Nonprofits

This program offers grants to nonprofit organizations in Minnesota that serve citizens all throughout the state, with a focus on the East Metro and Greater Minnesota regions.

  • Flexible Funding Support

To meet the needs of the organization, general operating support, grants customized for particular programs, and even some capital support are offered.

  • Investing in Potential

Grant amounts are intended to give worthy projects significant boosts, ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 a year on average.

  • Opportunities All Throughout the Year

Nonprofits have the opportunity to obtain essential funding through two grant rounds offered annually, the next of which opens on January 16, 2024. Visit here to know more about The CAP Grant Miami Foundation, also known as the College Assistance Program (CAP) Scholarship, which is a helpful option for graduating Miami-Dade County Public High School seniors who are having financial difficulties paying for college. Granted by The Miami Foundation, it offers vital assistance in closing the affordability gap between the real cost of attending college and the amount of financial aid that is available.

Grants Provided By Mardag Foundation

Three primary categories are where the Mardag Foundation awards grants to charitable groups operating in Minnesota:

  1. Youth, Families & Children

  • Focus:Enhancing the lives of kids, young people, and families is the main goal.
  • Examples of funded programs:Programs that are financed include family support services, youth development initiatives, and early childhood education.
  1. Older Adults

  • Focus: Encouraging healthy, self-sufficient lives for senior citizens.
  • Examples of funded programs:Programs that are financed include senior centers, car services, caregiver support, etc.
  1. Humanities & Arts

  • Focus: Enhancing the capabilities of humanities and arts institutions.
  • Examples of funded programs: Programs that are financed include cultural events, artist residencies, and arts education initiatives.

Key facts about Mardag Foundation Grants

  • Grant rounds: Two grant rounds are offered annually; the next one will begin on January 16, 2024.
  • Geography: Minnesota, concentrating on Greater Minnesota and the East Metro region (Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington counties).
  • Types of grants:Grant types include program support, general running support, and certain capital support.
  • Grant amounts: Vary annually from $10,000 to $50,000, with an average of $25,000.

The Nord Family Foundation is also available which has been a source of philanthropic support and a catalyst for positive change in communities for more than 30 years. The foundation, which was founded on Walter and Virginia Nord’s vision, is committed to improving lives by making targeted contributions in four important areas.

Eligibility Requirements for Mardag Foundation Grants

The following requirements must be fulfilled by your organization in order to be eligible for a Mardag Foundation grant:

1.Type of Organization

  • Eligible entities: Entities that meet the eligibility requirements include 501(c)(3) organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and places of worship.
  • Geographic focus: Organizations must primarily assist Minnesotans, with an emphasis on Greater Minnesota and/or the East Metro (Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington counties).

2.Impact and Order of Priorities

  • Your project or activity should be related to one of Mardag’s three main focus areas, which are arts & humanities, older adults, youth & families, or children.
  • Prioritizing organizations that serve marginalized communities and are governed by the people who are most affected by their work, Mardag places a strong emphasis on equity and inclusion.
  • Mardag will provide capital and general operations support in 2024. This year, program support is not offered.

3.Additional Important Details

  • Capital projects: To be eligible, a project has to serve a minimum of 50% of the population living in the East Metro or Greater Minnesota.
  • Financial health: Your company should have sound finances and exhibit prudent money management.
  • Restrictions on grant size: Annual grants normally fall between $10,000 and $50,000, with an average of $25,000.

Grants from the Laura Bush Foundation are also available for America’s Libraries which  are given to deserving schools to support the updating, diversification, and expansion of their book collections.

Application Process of Mardag Foundation Grants

Getting a grant from the Mardag Foundation can be a fulfilling experience that will enable your group to have a big influence on your neighborhood. Below is a summary of the application procedure:

  1. Eligibility Verification

  • Examine the prerequisites for eligibility: Make sure your company fits the requirements (type, regional focus, and connection with Mardag’s areas of interest) mentioned in my earlier comment.
  • Select the appropriate kind of grant: Mardag provides capital support as well as general operating support in 2024. Think carefully about what kind best meets your needs.
  1. Get Your Supplies Ready

  • Assemble the necessary paperwork: This usually contains the IRS Form 990 for your organization, the budget, details about your programs, and the list of directors.
  • Create a gripping story: Clearly state the goal of your company, the issue you’re trying to solve, and how your project or program will contribute to the community. Emphasize your accomplishments and influence.
  • Create a budget that is reasonable: Provide evidence for your financing request and show that you have handled your money well.
  1. Utilize Mardag Resources

  • Attend a workshop to learn about grants: Mardag is offering these workshops to address inquiries and give comprehensive information regarding the application procedure and current goals.
  • Reach out to the Grants Team: Please get in touch with the staff if you have any queries or worries. Their knowledge can be quite helpful in navigating the procedure.
  • Examine the Grant Guidelines document:This document offers thorough details on eligibility, requirements for applications, and standards of review.
  1. Submit Your Application

  • Use the online portal: Mardag accepts applications using GranteeView, a safe and secure online platform. Sign up and pay close attention to the instructions.
  • Fulfill the deadline: The date of the upcoming grant cycle is January 16, 2024. Make sure you submit your application well in advance of the due date.
  1. After Submission

  • Verification and evaluation: Following your submission, you will receive a confirmation, and Mardag will thoroughly examine your application.
  • Interview possibility: If your idea is chosen for further consideration, you might receive an invitation to an interview.
  • Grant decision: Within the specified timeframe, Mardag will notify the recipient of the grant decision.
  1. Additional Tips

  • Begin early: It takes time to prepare a strong application. Well in advance of the deadline, start compiling your materials and writing your narrative.
  • Focus on impact first: Clearly state how your initiative or program will benefit your community.
  • Be concise and compelling: Make sure your application is easy to read, free of errors, and well-organized.
  • Seek assistance: Please make full use of Mardag’s resources and consult the Grants Team for advice.

The Go. Be Foundation Grant offers a range of services and activities to empower and support minority-owned businesses and provide networks, management expertise, and business knowledge to support the expansion and success of enterprises visiting here.

Bottom Line

With a strong five-decade history, the Mardag Foundation is a light of support for communities throughout Minnesota. Their constant commitment to promoting diversity, equality, and community enrichment is demonstrated by their Impact Pillars, which place a strong emphasis on empowering young minds, creating age-friendly communities, and advancing the arts and vibrant culture. The Mardag Foundation grants continue to have a major impact on Minnesota’s nonprofit sector by providing flexible financing options that are suited to different needs and a focus on equity. Organizations are advised to get involved early, match their projects with Mardag’s focus areas, and take advantage of the foundation’s invaluable resources and assistance as they get ready for their next grant round in 2024.

You can also explore Foundation grants that are a crucial source of funding for a wide range of organizations, from small community groups to large research institutions. They provide the financial support needed to launch new initiatives, expand existing programs, and make a real difference in the world. To know more about such grants visit 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can submit a grant application to the Mardag Foundation?

Places of worship, government agencies, 501(c)(3) organizations, and educational institutions are examples of eligible entities. Organizations have to serve Minnesotans first and foremost, with an emphasis on the East Metro and Greater Minnesota regions (Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington counties).

How do groups apply for and receive funding from the Mardag Foundation?

In 2024, the Mardag Foundation will provide both general running support and specific capital contributions. Before the next grant cycle due on January 16, 2024, interested organizations should research the eligibility requirements, gather the required paperwork, attend relevant workshops for advice, and submit their applications using the GranteeView web portal.

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