How To Apply For Arcus Foundation Grants LGBTQ Social Justice Program Grants

Rosi Melonica

Arcus Foundation Grants LGBTQ Social Justice Program Grants

How To Get Grant from Arcus Foundation Grants LGBTQ Social Justice Program – The mission of the Arcus Foundation Grants is to promote harmony between people and the natural world. The foundation has funded over 2,000 projects in 500+ organizations across 50 countries through its LGBTQ Social Justice and Great Apes & Gibbons campaigns. Grant amounts represent a commitment to different projects associated with the foundation’s program objectives.

They range from small, one-time donations to large multi-year commitments of $100,000 to $150,000 yearly. The Arcus Foundation is an open and welcoming organization that places a premium on collaborations with other registered organizations that work to promote social and environmental justice. In keeping with its objective to promote global conservation and human rights, the foundation’s global reach reflects its ambition to bring about long-term change.

If you are looking for financial help for your organization from a foundation grant, you can check your eligibility for Rasmuson Foundation Grants, and Skillman Foundation Grants.

Key Takeaways

  • The Arcus Foundation grants promote social and environmental justice.
  • The foundation awards grants to organizations working on LGBTQ rights and great ape conservation.
  • Grants range from one-time donations to multi-year commitments.
  • Organizations can apply through the Fluxx online system.

What are Arcus Foundation Grants?

Arcus Foundation Grants promote human-nature synergy. Under its LGBTQ Social Justice and Great Apes & Gibbons initiatives, the foundation has given over 2,000 grants to 500+ organizations in 50 countries. Grants range from small, one-time contributions to large, multi-year commitments of $100,000–$150,000 yearly. Grantmaking takes two to six months and emphasizes activities and organizations that meet the foundation’s program goals. Registered entities with an authorized Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that protects sexual orientation and gender identity must apply. Note that grants do not cover persons, lobbying, elections, or medical research.

The foundation works for transparency in its operations and connections with grantees, partners, and other stakeholders to remove obstacles to full involvement in society. For Arcus Foundation, being open and inclusive means financial transparency, timely and thorough public information distribution, responsiveness to requests for information, and accurate depiction of the foundation’s policies and procedures.

If you want to know more about the Arcus Foundation Grants, you can visit

Eligibility for Arcus Foundation Grants

Any company, whether working alone or with other groups, can only send in one application in answer to any open call or invitation. The work could be neighborhood, national, regional, or even global. Applicants must meet the following requirements in order to be considered for funding:

  1. Focus on geography

All candidates must be able to show how their work will help at least one of Arcus’ 12 target countries in the Americas or Africa.

  1. Being legally right

As stated in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, applicants from the United States must be a non-profit organization that is not subject to federal income tax. Instead, groups can apply through a funding sponsor that has that standing. International applicants must be able to get money through a legal company in their home country.

  1. Policy for Equal Employment Opportunity

Applicants must follow an internal Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was passed by the board and lists sexual orientation and gender identity as protected groups.

  1. Work experience in a company

Applicants must show that they have worked for a group for a certain amount of time and at a certain level.

Don’t miss your opportunities to get monetary assistance from the Roddenberry Foundation Grant as it is accountable for supporting needy organizations to serve community welfare.

Application Process of Arcus Foundation Grants

Fluxx, a safe, easy-to-use cloud-based system, handles the foundation’s grantmaking. The three steps in the application process take about two to six months,

STAGE 1– Application

All applications, whether in reaction to a public call for ideas or a request to apply, start with applicants answering a set of questions.

STAGE 2 – Request for Proposals

Applicants who are thought to be most likely to follow the program’s rules and objectives are asked to submit a plan. The second stage includes an internal review and, if necessary, a conversation with the candidate, taking several factors (see below) into account.

STAGE 3 – Decision

Participants receive immediate feedback on their proposals. Award announcements occur four times a year.

  1. The foundation values self-determination, open consultation with local LGBTQ communities, and involvement of marginalized groups.
  • Marginalized groups lead and make decisions; – Strong board representation for marginalized groups;
  • Participation by faith communities, transgender people, and other disadvantaged LGBTQ groups with limited resources;
  1. Involvement by members of faith communities, transgender individuals, and other groups with less access to resources and who are marginalized within LGBTQ communities;
  2. Concepts related to one or more of the priority geographic focus areas;

Cross-sector or cross-movement alliances working toward one or more of Arcus’ goals.

If you are facing problems in terms of money and not making enough profit through your organization, here The Prudential Foundation Grants are responsible for funding needy organizations. You can check their offers for your organization.

Grantees of the Arcus Foundation

Here are some past grantees of the Arcus Foundation.

Gibbon Conservation Society – Borneo Gibbon Rehabilitation Project

The Gibbon Conservation Society received $22,000 from the Arcus Foundation’s Great Apes & Gibbons program for the Borneo Gibbon Rehabilitation Project. Gibbons are “forgotten apes” that this project promotes. This award supports focused conservation actions to improve these primates’ well-being. The initiative emphasizes the need for coordinated conservation to protect primate species.

Greenpeace – Protection of Critical Ape Habitats

Great Apes & Gibbons will give Greenpeace $1 million over three years. The money protects the Congo Basin and Indonesian ape habitats. This large award supports strategic cooperation that boosts conservation movements. Greenpeace’s program supports the Arcus Foundation’s overall conservation strategy to protect great apes and gibbons by tackling habitat concerns.

Alliance GSAC

Alliance GSAC in Yaounde, Cameroon, received $300,000 from the Arcus Foundation over three years. This money will help eight member organizations build a Congo Basin network of great ape conservation groups develop evidence-based conservation methods and improve staff professional and technical abilities. Strengthening regional great ape protection activities is the goal.

Ape Action Africa

Bristol, UK-based Ape Action Africa got $100,000 for one year. This money supports the sanctuary’s chimpanzees and gorillas. It also supports the Cameroonian personnel that cares for these monkeys, improving their well-being and conservation efforts.

Asociación Lambda

Asociación Lambda in Guatemala City received $125,000 for 27 months. The award supports the Latin American and Caribbean transman network REDCAHT+. Funding supports strategic planning and training for network members in fundraising, human rights documentation, and policy advocacy. Access to health, education, employment, and justice for network members is the ultimate aim.

Humane Society International – Long-term Care for Chimpanzees

The Great Apes & Gibbons initiative gave Humane Society International $100,000 to care for approximately 60 chimpanzees at the Second Chance Chimpanzee Refuge Liberia. This contribution shows the foundation’s commitment to ape conservation’s pressing needs. The Arcus Foundation helps rescue chimpanzees while acknowledging their wild limitations by funding their care.

Funders for LGBTQ Issues – Research and Collaboration

The Arcus Foundation gave Funders for LGBTQ Issues $450,000 for Social Justice. This money supports LGBTQ-focused foundation research, information distribution, and cooperation in the US. This funding empowers LGBTQ and allied groups to fight violence, challenge harmful policies, lobby for rights, and promote acceptance by providing resources.

Justice Work – National LGBTQ+ Women’s Community Survey

The Social Justice program will provide Justice Work $100,000 for the National LGBTQ+ Women’s Community Survey. This award highlights the Arcus Foundation’s support for LGBTQ+ disadvantaged populations’ data collection and voice-amplifying efforts. The poll helps advocate and alter policy by revealing LGBTQ+ women’s difficulties.

Proteus Fund – Rights, Faith, and Democracy Collaborative

Proteus Fund received $400,000 for the Rights, Faith, and Democracy Collaborative under Social Justice. The foundation supports LGBTQ rights, faith, and democracy collaborations with this donation. The financing allows Proteus Fund to continue pushing for comprehensive rights and a more inclusive and equitable society through smart alliances.

Asociación por las Infancias Transgénero

Asociación para las Infancias Transgénero in Ciudad de México received $100,000 from the Arcus Foundation for 30 months. This grant promotes trans and nonbinary youth’s gender identification and human rights in Mexico. The activities include supporting youth name and gender transformation on identity papers. Legal, educational, and health efforts will help adolescents and their families overcome problems.

Borealis Philanthropy

Borealis Philanthropy in Minneapolis earned $750,000 for one year. This funding goes to the Fund for Trans Generations. This organization gives local trans-led groups regular operational grants. Trans-led projects get technical help, mentoring, and fast response funds to increase their ability.

BYP100 Education Fund

BYP100 Education Fund in Springfield, IL, received $200,000 over two years. This money aims to empower and guide U.S. Black kids. Local campaigns in Durham, NC, safeguard LGBTQ groups most affected by systematic oppression against discrimination and incarceration. It promotes national and local chapter base-building and leadership development to increase membership.

CAISO, Sex and Gender Justice

CAISO, Belmont, Trinidad and Tobago-based Sex and Gender Justice got $320,000 over two years. The grant will help LGBTQI+ Trinidad & Tobagoans with legal services and safe places. It involves documenting violence and prejudice, legislative lobbying, strategic litigation, and media efforts to increase LGBTQI+ awareness in the region.

If you want to know more about grantees of the Arcus Foundation, you can visit

Contact Details of Arcus Foundation

There are few means of getting in touch with the foundation. There are different addresses based on the country.

For U.S. Office

Physical Address: 445 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor

New York, New York 10016

Phone: +1 212-488-3000

For U.K. Office

Physical Address: Nine, Hills Road

Cambridge CB2 1GE

Phone: +44-1223-653040

For any questions and concerns, you can fill out a contact form. The contact form is available  at


The Arcus Foundation Grants are a symbol of the organization’s commitment to promoting peace between humans and the environment. Over fifty nations have received funds from the organization’s LGBTQ Social Justice and Great Apes & Gibbons programs, which aim to foster long-term transformation. In its multi-year prizes, Arcus gives preference to initiatives that are in line with its programs.

The foundation has established fruitful connections with more than 500 organizations throughout the globe thanks to its transparency, variety, and program objectives. In their pursuit of a better, more equitable future, the Arcus Foundation supports causes ranging from LGBTQ rights to the preservation of great apes.

If you are interested to know about more foundation grants, you can check our website 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are Arcus Foundation Grants?

The Arcus Foundation gives money to groups that work to connect people and animals, like Great Apes & Gibbons and LGBTQ Social Justice. Arcus Foundation gives the money to organizations around the world whose goals are like those of the foundation’s projects.

What is the typical grant amount provided by the Arcus Foundation?

Donations to the Arcus Foundation could be small and made once, or large and spread out over several years. Each year, the foundation provides between $100,000 and $150,000 to a wide variety of initiatives that adhere to its programmatic goals.

How diverse are the grantees of the Arcus Foundation?

The Arcus Foundation has provided funding to more than 500 groups in more than 50 nations. These organizations show the foundation’s global commitment to diversity and inclusion by sponsoring issues as diverse as LGBTQ rights and great ape conservation.

How can organizations apply for Arcus Foundation Grants?

The Fluxx system is a cloud-based platform where organizations interested in Arcus Foundation Grants can register. Two to six months are required to complete all three steps of the application process: the original application, the call for bids, and the final decision. You may see the foundation’s official website where they detail all of their eligibility requirements.

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