Clif Family Foundation Grants For Opreational Support

Rosi Melonica

Clif Family Foundation Grants For Opreational Support

How To Get Foundation Grants from the Clif Family Foundation – Founded in 2006, the Clif Family Foundation was created to assist small-to-midsize grassroots organizations run by individuals whose dedication and vision we really respect. We take great pride in having provided funding to hundreds of organizations that relentlessly strive to improve the fairness of community health outcomes, fortify our food system, and safeguard our play areas by being responsible stewards of our environment and natural resources.

We have always wanted to leave the earth in a better state for our offspring. Being grandparents has made the need to create a more equitable, sustainable, and healthy world even more pressing. In the upcoming years, we are excited to broaden the foundation’s influence and reach. This entails collaborating with additional companies to develop their creative concepts. Go through the article to know more about Clif family foundation grants.

What are Clif family foundation grants?

The Clif Family Foundation was established in 2006 with the goal of assisting small-to-midsize grassroots organizations headed by individuals whose dedication and vision the foundation greatly respected. It has taken great pride in helping hundreds of organizations that put forth endless effort to improve fair community health outcomes, revolutionize our food systems, and safeguard the areas where we play by acting as good stewards of the environment and natural resources.

In the upcoming years, CFF hopes to increase the foundation’s influence and reach. This entails assisting a new generation of leaders and collaborating with additional organizations to bring their creative ideas to life. The CFF is based on the idea that there is more good in the world for all of us.

Click here to know more about Quest Foundation Grantscan be related to many award programs; however, more information is needed before a good introduction can be made.

Eligibility Criteria for Clif Family Foundation Grants

The Clif Family Foundation was established in 2006 with the goal of assisting small-to-midsize grassroots organizations run by individuals they greatly respect for their dedication and vision. They take great pride in providing support to hundreds of organizations that put forth endless effort to improve the fairness of community health outcomes, fortify the food system, and preserve the environment by being good stewards of natural resources.

A preference is granted to applicants who:

  • Take simultaneous action on at least two of the financing priorities:
  • bolster the food chain
  • Improve fair community health outcomes
  • Preserve the ecosystem and natural resources.
  • Show your commitment to the community.
  • Work within workable, well-defined plans for constructive transformation.

What areas are not funded by the Cliff Family Foundation ?

  • Deficit financing for capital construction endowments
  • Funding options for national organizations with local branches include funding both the national and local chapters.
  • People
  • State and/or local government organizations
  • Denominations
  • Funding for conferences, the media, or charitable activities (like fun runs)
  • Applications for the Small Grants Program are accepted year-round from 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations with US registrations.

Click here to learn about “Oak Foundation Grants,” a worldwide foundation that awards grants to organizations that support the environment and social justice. They do provide several grant programs; however, they do not have an open application process. Instead, they use a network of partner organizations to identify and support creative ventures.

Types of Grants by Cliff Family Foundation

Operational Support by Cliff Foundation

These awards help with particular initiatives and day-to-day operating expenses. Applications must be submitted by August 1st and March 1st of each year to be considered. Announcements of grants are made about four months after the deadline. Take simultaneous action on at least two of our financing priorities, bolster our food chain, improve fair community health outcomes, and protect nature and our natural resources. Show your commitment to the community. Work within workable, well-defined plans for constructive transformation.

Grants by Clif Foundation Through  Invitation

By entering new issue areas, rising from the local and regional to the national level, or significantly expanding and deepening their services, our By Invitation grants assist nonprofit organizations in making investments that lead to a qualitative leap in their operations, their reach, and their impacts. These subsidies, that  usually total more than $50,000 a year, offer stability over a number of years. It is not permitted for nonprofit organizations to self-nominate or express interest in receiving these grants.

Every invitation is sent out by the Foundation. Only invitations are accepted for expansion grants that  fund expanded geographic reach (from, say, regional to statewide or local to statewide), significant involvement in novel fields of concern, expanding the reach of influence through new service delivery, or deepening of current services. The purpose of expansion grants is to promote creativity, increased risk-taking, and exploring uncharted ground by: bolstering the food chain; improving fair community health outcomes; and protecting the environment.

Click here to know about the Siebert Lutheran Foundation Grant that provides essential funding for Lutheran churches, schools, ministries, and community organizations across the nation. These donations, that  are driven by a commitment to Christian values and service, aim to uplift societies, alleviate suffering, and promote profound intellectual, physical, and spiritual growth.

Applications Clif family foundation grants

Applications must be submitted by August 1st and March 1st of each year to be considered for consideration.

  • Announcements of grants are made about four months following the deadline.
  • Grant announcements occur approximately four months following the deadline.
  • Take concurrent action to strengthen our food chain, address at least two of our funding priorities, enhance equitable community health outcomes, and safeguard the environment and our natural resources.
  • Show your dedication to the community. Work within realistic, well-defined plans for positive change. About four months following the deadline, grant announcements are issued.
  • Act concurrently on at least two of our finance objectives, strengthen the community food chain, enhance equitable community health outcomes, and safeguard the environment and our natural resources. Show your dedication to the community. Follow realistic, well laid out plans for positive change.

Thank you for your interest in the Clif Family Foundation grants programs. All year long, 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations with US registrations are welcome to apply. The next review deadline is March 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST. The “guidelines” link will teach you how to apply.

What are the Priorities of the Clif Family Foundation?

Organic and Regenerative Agriculture

Promote the quick adoption of regenerative farming techniques, such as agroecological, organic, equitable, and climate-resilient methods.

Health and Safety of Food Production Workers

Increase efforts to provide food production workers with safe, fair, empowering, and healthy living and working conditions.

Access to Healthy Food

Encourage the transformation of the food system to provide wholesome, sustainably produced food that is affordable, accessible, and suitable for all cultures.

Outdoor Spaces Suitable for Healthy Existence

Encourage the development of strategies that promote access to areas that are safe, have clean water and air, and provide more resources to support mental and physical well-being.

Climate Justice

Increase community resilience initiatives aimed at accelerating climate justice and preventing or mitigating climate change.

Grantees of Clif family foundation grants

1000 Friends of Iowa

The goals of 1000 Friends of Iowa are to safeguard agriculture and natural areas, educate Iowans about land use, and revitalize towns, cities, and neighborhoods. The organization gives individuals the knowledge and resources they need to support sustainable farming, preserve natural areas, create and revive smart urban centers, and promote balanced transportation and green energy initiatives through public lectures, workshops, and events. By decreasing Iowa’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, 1000 Friends supports citizen-led efforts to create fair climate action plans and uphold the terms of the Paris Agreement.

100 Mile Club

With a simple challenge—run, jog, or walk 100 miles during the school year to get a gold medal—the 100 Mile Club promotes physical activity as a regular part of a child’s life. The program has a positive impact on social and emotional development as well as the classroom and collaborates closely with educators, coaches, principals, parents, and community leaders. Thousands of schools around the nation are already using the Club.

18 Reasons

In response to the nationwide epidemics of hunger and obesity, 18 Reasons was founded. Low-income families can enroll in free six-week cooking and nutrition training through the organization’s Cooking Matters initiative. At the moment, it reaches over 2,500 adults and children annually with over 200 Cooking Matters programs. Additionally, it provides yearly public programming in its San Francisco classroom for over 5,000 local citizens.


As the community scientific network of outdoor enthusiasts grows, 2 DEGREES provides help to them in gathering data related to climate change and its effects on agriculture and the natural world. Climate data scientists and engagement specialists founded the Bellingham-based organization after realizing that large data gaps make it difficult to monitor climate change at the local and community levels. Through the use of the group’s iOS mobile application, citizen scientists can collect temperature and humidity data of research-quality while outside by donning a low-cost sensor. In the end, the information is shared with climate scientists, managers of natural resources, organizations dedicated to conservation, and other relevant parties in order to facilitate wise choices that enhance both research and conservation. offers online campaigns, neighborhood organizing, and large-scale public demonstrations. These are some of the tactics used by to reject new coal, oil, and gas projects, drain funds from fossil fuel businesses, and create universally accessible 100% clean energy options. The campaign is called 350 parts per million because, as of right now, science has determined that this is the acceptable upper limit of carbon dioxide (CO2 levels are over 400 ppm) in our atmosphere. The network of 350 covers over 185 nations.

412 Food Rescue

Food that would otherwise be thrown away is given to those experiencing food insecurity in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas by 412 Food Rescue. The organization’s 1000 core volunteers can distribute and deliver available donations with the help of the Food Rescue Hero smartphone app. To date, 412 Food Rescue has salvaged more than two million pounds of food. In collaboration with the city of Pittsburg, the group also manages the UglyCSA program, it helps SNAP recipients and farmers while conserving rather than wasting the resources used in food production.

47 Daisies

47 Daisies is Located in Vassalboro, Maine, 47 Daisies is an organic farm that aims to promote organic farming to the general public, increase food equity, and link local communities to locally grown food. The 50-acre farm went from being a for-profit business to a charity focused on community service, and it currently provides free and discounted CSA shares to hundreds of elderly people, low-income families, and groups that support people with brain injuries all year round.

596 Acres, Inc.

596 Acres, Inc. Community members in Brooklyn, who possessed 596 acres of unused public land in 2011, assist in converting vacant lots into functional areas throughout New York City. With the use of online technologies, the group enables locals to petition public and private land managers for the use of abandoned outdoor spaces for organic food production, outdoor leisure, and neighborhood-enhancing gathering places. Up till now, 596 has supported neighborhood-led initiatives that have turned 40 abandoned lots—more than seven acres—into community areas, 30 of that  are now permanent.

5 Gyres Institute

The 5 Gyres Institute uses science, art, adventure, and education to inspire action against the global plastic pollution problem. The Institute conducts fieldwork in the gyres, frequently in collaboration with journalists and scientists, and disseminates its results via peer-reviewed papers, multimedia platforms, and school outreach. The organization is a founding member of the Plastic Pollution Policy Project, a coalition of charities devoted to design change for global solutions, as well as the Plastic Pollution Coalition, an international alliance of organizations, corporations, and thought leaders working for a world free of plastic pollution.

826 Valencia

As a cornerstone program since 826 Valencia first opened its doors 12 years ago, their after-school tutoring program provides youngsters in the Mission District of San Francisco with free one-on-one help with reading, writing, and assignments. Their primary objectives are to reduce the academic achievement gap for underprivileged youth in the Bay Area, give them the tools and resources they need to succeed in school and beyond, link them with supportive adults who can help them on an individual basis, and lessen the leap from school to a career.

Click here to know about the “UFCW Charity Foundation Grants program, that  provides aid to those in need, and is a bright spot for hardworking individuals and communities. The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) and its local union affiliates established the foundation in order to demonstrate the union’s commitment to enhancing the lives of everyone, not just its members.

Bottom Line

Since its founding in 2006, the Clif Family Foundation grants has been a devoted advocate for small-to-midsize grassroots groups that promote environmental stewardship, a sustainable food system, and improved community health outcomes. The foundation funds transformative projects that are in line with their financing priorities in an effort to make a lasting difference for future generations. The foundation actively collaborates with groups that share its vision of building a more just, sustainable, and healthy society by offering grants and operational support.

You can also apply for Grants from the Mars Wrigley Foundation To ensure that people and communities all over the globe have the opportunity to prosper, the Mars Wrigley Foundation Grants engages with diverse organizations. The Foundation was established in 1987, and among its objectives are raising public awareness of the value of dental health, enhancing the standard of living in.

To know more about other foundation grants  visit 

Frequently Asked Question 

How may my company submit a grant application to the Clif Family Foundation?

Year-round submissions of Small Grant applications are welcomed from US-registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations. Every year on August 1st and March 1st, submission deadlines are observed.

What goals does the Clif Family Foundation prioritize?

Initiatives in organic and regenerative agriculture, food production workers’ health and safety, access to wholesome food, outdoor areas fit for a healthy lifestyle, and climate justice are given top priority by the foundation.

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